2011 Intern Spotlight: Katie McCulloh

Katie McCulloh

Name: Katie McCulloh 
Home Institution: Cornell University 
Major: Mathematics

“This summer, I helped with an all hazards preparedness project in the Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program that focused on adapting decision-making software to learn more about emergency preparedness and training. This project gave me the opportunity to apply my mathematical background to emergency preparedness issues in a way that I had never considered before. The supervisors of the project were extremely helpful and approachable, and I really felt like I was able to contribute as a part of the project team.

The summer internship at CNS was a really great opportunity for me to learn about nonproliferation and disarmament issues. There is an incredible group of faculty members who are passionate about nonproliferation and about sharing their experiences, knowledge, and expertise. Everyone at CNS seems to have a great appreciation for both the policy and technical issues surrounding nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament and nuclear energy. The lectures and seminars were engaging and taught me about topics that I had very limited experience with, if any. In addition to learning about topics such as the nuclear fuel cycle and the international nonproliferation regime, we also heard talks on human trafficking, counterterrorism, and the Fukushima tragedy. I really enjoyed being exposed to so many interesting and relevant issues, and I feel like I gained a great appreciation of the complexities of the debates about nuclear technology.

Getting to interact with the other people at CNS was probably my favorite part of the internship. Everyone was extremely willing and able to help answer any of my nonproliferation questions, and also to offer some guidance about planning for the future. The other interns and fellows were also very friendly and fascinating. I feel very lucky to have worked with and befriended so many great people from such diverse backgrounds.”