Name: Aaron Bos-Lun
Home Institution: Wheaton College
Major: Political Science and International Relations
“My summer internship at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies was rewarding and illuminating on several levels. I gained a broader and deeper understanding of security issues, both domestic and international, and was able to learn from world-class non proliferation experts. As an American political science student who hopes to enter public service one day, I know that I will profit well into the future from the knowledge that I acquired during my time as a Davis UWC Fellow at CNS.
I also benefited greatly from the people with whom I associated at CNS. The other undergraduates in the program were a talented and stimulating group. We all brought different backgrounds and strengths to this endeavor, which made our conversations and time spent together generally intellectual, mutually stimulating, and enjoyable. The CNS and Monterey Institute faculty and staff were extraordinarily warm and welcoming, and my staff mentor, Jessica Varnum, was an exceptional resource and guide throughout my experience. I was also deeply impressed with the scholar-practitioners who constitute the staff and faculty at CNS. For example, during the May 2010 NPT Review Conference, several CNS experts were members of various national delegations and, thus, were able to offer their valuable first-hand perspectives on the Conference. Through real-life lectures such as these, in addition to my own independent research, I gained a broader perspective on the dynamics that shape our world and will be more effective in my future endeavors because of it.”