Name: Manu Ramkumar
Home Institution: Luther College
Major: Political Science and Economics
“My summer research experience at CNS was very enriching and educative. It was an unparalleled experience, wherein I was able to engage myself in deep research at the undergraduate level. The Davis UWC Fellowship at CNS has been a big eye-opener for me. As a student pursuing Political Science and Economics, while dreaming of attending law school and eventually participating in political affairs that involve my country (India), this fellowship has been a big contribution.
My summer research involved investigating the Indo-US civilian nuclear co-operation deal and its economic ramifications on India from the viewpoint of energy security. The research has helped me gain a new perspective on India’s international political standing vis-a-vis its domestic political decision-making abilities. Under the guidance of a helpful research advisor and other friendly members of the staff, this summer opportunity was certainly instrumental in my intellectual growth.
I was also fortunate enough to participate as an observer at the Monterey Nonproliferation Strategy Group meeting, wherein I had the opportunity to listen to the ‘celebrities’ of the nonproliferation field discuss the issues that I was immersed in for 10 weeks. This summer experience would not have been possible if not for the philanthropic contributions of the Davis family. Therefore, I would like to thank Ms. Kathryn Davis for funding this fellowship opportunity and other similar initiatives.”