
The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) offers on-the-job training during the summer for undergraduate students in nonproliferation studies. Participants conduct research on issues related to the spread and control of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including: nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and regional security issues in the former Soviet Union, Eurasia, East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East. In addition to working on ongoing projects at CNS, undergraduate fellows may develop their own research projects under the guidance of senior CNS faculty. Fellows will attend CNS lectures and training seminars throughout the summer. Usually, CNS starts the training program at the beginning of June for two to three months.

Summer 2024 Application is closed.
Thank you for your application!

We will post application information for Summer 2025 later this year. Stay tuned! 

Watch this introductory video to learn more about the Summer Undergraduate Program!

Check out previous years’ program!

2022 Summer in-person/hybrid program!

2021 Summer online program!

2020 Summer online program!

2019 Summer Interns achieved last summer!

Check out the video from the 2019 Summer Fellowship as well!

Past Program Highlights

Summer Interns Share Research with Major Supporters of CNS

CTBTO Executive Secretary Meets with Future Leaders

Summer Nonproliferation Training for Top Level Undergraduates

To get more insights into how our undergraduate program has evolved over the years, check out the highlights 2014, 2016, and 2018:

Summer 2018 Interns

Summer 2016 Interns

Summer 2014 Interns

This year’s Summer Internship is funded by the Tom and Sarah Pattison Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, CV Starr Foundation, the Earl Family Fund for International Education, and the Howard and Anne Morgens Fund.

The Davis UWC Fellowship Program is funded by the Davis UWC Scholars Program.