Next steps…

As the atrium exhibit is coming to a close, we wanted to to provide you all with an idea what to do next. Considering that the average Middlebury student’s lifestyle requires FORTY TWO slaves, there are clearly lots of ways to improve!

1) Get more educated! Look around our site, come to a meeting, or keep your eyes and ears open for human trafficking and gender bias in the media. You can never know enough, the ability to introduce this topic to someone else and get them fired up is in itself a big change maker!

2) Write to your reps in government! With enough pressure, Washington is forced to care about what the people care about. If we can demonstrate that enough people want the US to assume a bigger role fighting trafficking, then they have to pay attention!

3) Buy responsibly! This is perhaps the most important way to avoid patronizing the use of slaves. Check out this site to find socially responsible brands and see what grade your favorites get!


Those are just a few of our ideas–if you have others–please share them!

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