Where: Axinn 229
When: Sunday December 9th, 5pm
Our Stampz & Jamz party is a time for us to execute our holiday letterwriting campaign! This campaign is designed to give you an opportunity to:
a) tell some people in your life what you’re working on here at school
b) educate them a bit about human trafficking/sex trafficking
c) persuade them to give some cash monaaay to the cause!
If you have not been able to contribute time to attending meetings, this is a great way to contribute your connections! Yes, it’s great if the 10 meeting-goers send out letters, but thing of the potential if everybody in Hepburn sent one? If every junior sent one? If every geography major sent one? You don’t even have to write it! We did it for you!
So if you’ve never gone to anything Stop Traffick–don’t worry! Here’s your last chance of the semester!! Please don’t be shy. Click HERE to get to the google doc!
Once you have made a few edits, PRINT A BUNCH OUT. Then, show up at 5pm on Sunday in Axinn 229 with the names and addresses of people you want to send them to you.
We will have stamps and envelopes and WE WILL SEND THEM FOR YOU.
And hey, Nick Kristof agrees: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/06/opinion/kristof-gifts-that-change-lives.html?smid=FB-nytimes&WT.mc_id=OP-E-FB-SM-LIN-GTC-120612-NYT-NA&WT.mc_ev=click&_r=0
This is an awesome opportunity to use the holidays not for material consumption but for
human betterment. Be a part of it!