This fall we are hosting weekly meetings on Tuesdays in Laforce 121 at 7:30! Today, we will be discussing forced labor in the Persian Gulf, with a particular focus on the 2022 Qatar World Cup and NYU Abu Dhabi Campus. We will use videos and excerpts from articles and reports to illustrate the magnitude of labor trafficking in the Gulf from South East Asia. Should be an interesting discussion! Hope to see you there.
There WON’T be a meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday 10/01!
Come to our next meeting, Tuesday 10/08 at 7:30PM in Axinn 105 with a few facts on human trafficking that you want the Middlebury campus to be aware of! We’re planning an awareness campaign for mid-October (before our Fall Symposium), where we’re going to put up facts about human trafficking and screen a documentary about the issue.
We’ve got some great ideas, but are there any films you guys are interested in seeing screened here at Middlebury? Let us know!!
comes a time for reflection. Check out this article about modern day slavery with that end. We hope 2013 will be a year for folks at Middlebury and worldwide to embrace this issue in order to not only sustain but also augment the fight for universal human freedom. Thanks to all who made our first semester a success–and looking forward to the second one!
Our Stampz & Jamz party is a time for us to execute our holiday letterwriting campaign! This campaign is designed to give you an opportunity to:
a) tell some people in your life what you’re working on here at school
b) educate them a bit about human trafficking/sex trafficking
c) persuade them to give some cash monaaay to the cause!
If you have not been able to contribute time to attending meetings, this is a great way to contribute your connections! Yes, it’s great if the 10 meeting-goers send out letters, but thing of the potential if everybody in Hepburn sent one? If every junior sent one? If every geography major sent one? You don’t even have to write it! We did it for you!
So if you’ve never gone to anything Stop Traffick–don’t worry! Here’s your last chance of the semester!! Please don’t be shy. Click HERE to get to the google doc!
Once you have made a few edits, PRINT A BUNCH OUT. Then, show up at 5pm on Sunday in Axinn 229 with the names and addresses of people you want to send them to you.
We will have stamps and envelopes and WE WILL SEND THEM FOR YOU.
What an amazing afternoon! Our speakers Shamere McKenzie and Laura Murphy presented an incredible talk in Axinn–each using their distinct expertise to shed light on human trafficking in our world today. Shamere shared her own moving narrative of being enslaved in sex trafficking right here in the U.S., but also expanded upon the work she has done since her trauma to turn her own life around and the lives of survivors and at risk girls. She now works on policy for Shared Hope International and is a key member of the D.C. Human Trafficking Task Force – an incredible transformation. We thank her for her courage in telling her own story and her efforts to help other girls tell their own.
Laura, a contributor to the acclaimed organization Free the Slaves, tackled the question “now what”? So many of us, when confronted with the horror of slavery alive and well (and better, even), feel outraged but also powerless…“I am one person, and there are 27 million people enslaved–how could my little actions make any difference?” Laura helped us rethink our agency by getting us to focus on what we do have access to: our skills and the people around us. She suggested that as students, activism in abolition (and other fields) is about leveraging these two things to create a small but significant action. For example: if you are a student who plays the piano and knows of an anti-human trafficking organization in your community (us, for example!)–offer to host a recital and donate the proceeds to organizations fighting modern day slavery. If you are a good writer and know someone who knows someone who runs a paper (even a school paper!), submit an op-ed article or cover trafficking in the news. The options are limitless–it’s about levering the skills you have and the people you know to create the world you want.
Thanks to everyone who made it out–we were thrilled to see so many people and so many new faces! Check out some pictures from the event, below!
AND: Get ready for our last speaker of the symposium–Rolando Bonachea, a high school senior from Philips Academy who will be presenting his research on human trafficking in Turkey. Join us for discussion and Sabai Sabai in RAJ Conference room at 6pm.
Here are the details–tell your friends all about it!
Monday 12/3 Half the Sky Film Screening
7:00 in BiHall 220
This PBS production brings to life Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDonn’s acclaimed book Half the Sky, which brilliantly explores the struggles women face world wide–from sex trafficking to gender based violence to maternal mortality–and the steps these women are taking to turn their situation around.
Tuesday 12/4 Laura Murphy & Shamere McKenzie: “Sex Trafficking: Insights from a Survivor and an Expert”
Axinn 229, 4:30 PM
Ms. McKenzie is a survivor of sex trafficking in the U.S. and will be joining us to share her personal story and her perspective on trafficking in the United States. Ms. Murphy is an abolitionist expert and activist and serves as the National College Chapter Coordinator for Free the Slaves and the director of the Survivors of Slavery speakers network. She will contribute her academic expertise and conduct a workshop on youth activism. Snacks will be provided!
Wednesday 12/5 Rolando Bonachea: “Dinner Conversation with a Youth Activist”
RAJ Conference Room; 6pm
Rolando Bonachea is a high school senior from Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. After obtaining a grant from his school to do research on human trafficking in Turkey, he did on the ground work with UN officials and other experts and joins us here at Middlebury to offer a student perspective on modern day slavery and youth activism in general. Food from Sabai Sabai!
From November 26-December 10, we will be honoring the efforts of those globally to end gender violence. Now is a great time to learn more about this global issue and the efforts being taken to address it. Check out this link to read about what the UN is doing for the 16 Days Campaign.
Stay tuned at Middlebury for a Stop Traffick Symposium coming up next week, December 3-5, which will commemorate this push for peace. We will have a screening and speakers and learning to be had by all–so be on the lookout for posters around campus!