The way to our hearts is through the archives!
As part of SC&A’s latest guerrilla advertising campaign, we infiltrated the Senior tradition of posting crush lists on the bulletin boards outside of the dining halls in the hopes of garnering submissions to the Web Archive.
The College’s new ArchiveIt subscription allows us to collect and store Web-based projects created by faculty and students, notable blogs and social media by members of the Midd community, student organization websites, and materials donated to Special Collections and Archives.
Students and faculty are encouraged to submit URLs for websites, blogs, and social media presences to Special Collections for inclusion in the archive.
This advertisement aims to target online presences related to campus culture but not directly affiliated with or endorsed by the College in order to create a more comprehensive view of student life for future generations to look back on.
The Middlebury College Community Web Archive, a transinstitutional collection, is intended to document life at Middlebury outside the official channels of communication, to archive diverse points of view and student activities, and to create a historical record of dynamic and engaging discussions that define our collective experience at Middlebury College. We hope our crush list conveys the spirit of the submissions we wish to receive!