My Daily Digital Data

After logging a few days of my digital media use over the summer, I realized something about myself: I didn’t have much to record. In general, I consider myself a frequent user of facebook and texting. After all, isn’t everyone always connected to some sort of digital media nowadays? Over the course of three days, however, I received only 36 messages and sent 34 when my little sister literally tops that number in under an hour. In total, I spent less than five minutes talking on the phone and averaged a tad under an hour a day on the computer. While many of my friends and peers refresh their facebook newsfeed every other minute, I checked it maybe twice a day, and my time on the internet mostly consisted of online shopping for college (yay!) and general last minute research about classes and fire codes… I have no twitter, no smartphone, no snapchat, and no instagram. Let’s just say I’m a little bit illiterate when it comes to these many types of digital media. So, a daily average of 12 received text messages that seems like a lot to me isn’t really much to record in the scheme of things.
As far as television goes, my TV stopped working months ago and I haven’t had enough of a reason to fix it ever since. I did, however, watch a couple of movies on Netflix and iTunes during those few days over the summer. (How great was the new Great Gatsby?!) I also read Game of Thrones for two hours one day on my Kindle!

Overall, I feel that my log showed that digital media it is a big part of my routine because I usually check my facebook and text messages every day, but at the same time I don’t really spend much time interacting with other forms of social media. I do love to read on my kindle, I read the newspaper when it’s sitting on my kitchen counter, and I love to snuggle up to a good movie, but that’s pretty much as far as I go as of yet. I’m interested to see how that usage will change as I morph into a college student.

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