Educational Inspiration

dscf3680Having worked as a teacher, coach and  recruiter for schools, I have had a lot of exposure to the world of education.  I feel strongly in the value of entrepreneurial, exploratory and experiential education.  The vast majority of the world’s schools only cater to a minority of intelligences.  If we hope to push students to their full potential, we must acknowledge all skills they bring to the table, rather than test them on the skills we think are important.

My time spent abroad was life-changing and incredibly experiential in nature.  I hope to provide students of all ages the opportunity to spend time outside their comfort zones and learn about themselves, other cultures and ultimately what they are passionate about.  Experiential education is all around us, all it requires is empowerment

Below are some resources that I draw inspiration from.  There is a plethora of free literature online that caters to experiential education, but these are a handful of people, ideas and organizations that have set me on my path.

Downloadable PDF’s: : Designers Workbook : Agile Learning Centers

Links: DS106 Open Source Learning : Edunautics by Aaron Eden : Where there Be Dragons