Fellowships Spring Info Session Schedule

Want to apply for a fellowship or find out more information about applying in the next cycle? The fellowships office will host information sessions in the spring semester for students interested in learning more and applying to the Watson, Fulbright, British, and Schwarzman Scholarships.

British Fellowships Info Session: Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill, Gates-Cambridge
Tues., Feb. 28 at 7 pm in Lib 201

Fulbright and Watson Info Session
Wed., March 1 at 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103

Schwarzman Info Session
Wed., April 26 at 4:30 pm in Lib 201

Reminder of Important Application Deadlines
April 7: Nomination Application Deadline for Churchill, Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes Scholarships
April 15: Preliminary applications due for potential Watson and Fulbright applicants

More information and descriptions of individual Fellowships can be found at go.middlebury.edu/fellowships