
Sometimes I under estimate my ability to procrastinate. Except last night, instead of surfing Facebook or trying to eat my way out of my macro exam, I did something a little different. Something I’m a little more proud of. My friends and I started a blog. It wasn’t my idea but when we all took a break from studying to do a little free-write, I was pulled in. We all ended up staying up til the wee hours of the morning, writing, editing, and publishing content.

I never liked the idea of keeping a full time blog. To be honest, I still don’t. To me blogging is often tedious and I’m rarely exceptionally proud what I post. However, last night I was really happy with what me and my two friends produced. Maybe, blogging is just better when you and your friends do it together (excuse the lame blogging slogan). If you have a minute, take a look. My piece is called pocket aces. I hope you enjoy:


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