This weekend, my old Model UN team competed in the Secondary Schools United Nations Symposium which is essentially the biggest MUN tournament in Canada. It attracts teams from all over the world and is always very competitive. After a tough loss last year, we took home many individual prizes as well as the top team prize. As last year’s club head, I honestly couldn’t prouder of my guys. About five minutes after the awards ceremony, I face timed the team as they celebrated. What a great moment.

Within about 30 minutes of the new presidents going up to collect their trophy, I video called them, I sent them all a congratulatory email, I changed my Facebook status, and now I’m blogging about it. It’s interesting to think about the flow of information has changed with technology as my facebook status quickly accumulates ‘likes’. Either way, I couldn’t be happier for the guys – what a big big win <3.

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