Sunday Distractions

What a typical Sunday afternoon. After waking up late, I’ve spent most of my day on the internet finding new and interesting ways to avoid doing my homework. Although we had the luxury of a three day week, because of Midterms, I don’t actually feel like I’ve had much of a break. As a result, I’m lacking the necessary resolve that would allow to tackle my homework efficiently. I’m not technological determinist, I try to take accountability for my actions, and I don’t believe that the internet is what is distracting me from my work. I do however believe that internet gives me more interesting ways to distract myself.

If you mindlessly surf the internet, it really can be a black hole of information. That having been said, it’s can also be a powerful tool. Reflecting on my day today, I’ve realized that I’ve been able to learn so much from the giant ‘free’ resource that we call internet. From learning the guitar through online videos, to becoming a huge spoken word poetry fan by subscribing some of my favourite poets on youtube, to getting twitter just to follow a hip hop artist, I’ve discovered many of my favourite hobbies on the web.

I honestly think that the internet gets a bad rap. Instead of blaming the internet for being a huge distraction, we should cherish it for what it is: an unlimited resource.


One thought on “Sunday Distractions

  1. Sometimes I feel like my Internet distractions are really bad. But, often I discover that I have been looking at interesting pictures, reading intriguing articles, and watching funny or thought provoking videos that would have never been available to me without the internet. The internet is great.

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