North Korea Dialogue Agenda


Topic: The North Korean Nuclear Threat – American and Russian Perspectives 


Date: November 16, 2016

Time: 8:15am-9:50am PST, 7:15pm-8:50pm MSK

Location: McCone Boardroom, McCone Building, 499 Pierce St.

Format: Round-table discussion

Language: English

Participants: students of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS)

Moderators: David Lee Smith, MGIMO and Julia Diamond, MIIS

Introductory Remarks

Speaker Introductions

Presentation 1: Kseniya Safarova, MGIMO and Nathaniel Taylor, MIIS – “Six-Party Talks: History, Perspectives and Prospects” (15-20 minutes)

Pause for question and answer

Presentation 2: Danielle Preskitt, MIIS – “American and Russian Perceptions of the North Korean Threat” (10-15 minutes)

Pause for question and answer

Question and Answer/Discussion