Ksenia Semenova

Ksenia Semenova, editor-in-chief of the online media platform TheQuestion, came to Monterey on Thursday, October 5 to lecture to students of the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies on the topic of, “Social Networks and Media Platforms in Russia.” 

GIRS first engaged Ksenia during the inaugural Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia, when she hosted a teleconference with our fellows. An expert on Russian youth culture, as well as journalism and public relations in modern Russia, Ksenia made a perfect fit for our students during the academic year. 

TheQuestion is Russian social media outlet and service for those who find themselves asking what information is missing in a given story in order to understand the full picture. Users can submit any sort of question about current events and researchers at TheQuestion work to find answers that are accessible to the public. The questions themselves range from geopolitical to linguistic and even sociological.


“Социальные сети и медиаплатформы в России”