GIRS to host two experts on Russian-American relations Thursday April 7 2016

ZhuravlevaOn Thursday, April 7, 2016, the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies (GIRS) at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies will host two preeminent scholars from Russia as part of its Visiting Experts series. The first, Dr. Victoria Zhuravleva, is a professor and the director of the Program on American Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities. She is also the Vice-Director of the University’s Department of International Relations and Area Studies. Prof. Zhuravleva will present a lecture entitled, “Russian-American Relations in Crises: High Politics and Popular Geopolitics” in Russian from 1:00-1:50 PM at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). 

The second speaker, Dr. Ivan Kurilla, is a Professor and the director Kurillaof Development of Partnership Initiatives at the European University in St. Petersburg. Prof. Kurilla will deliver a lecture entitled, “Russian-American relations from the 18th century to the 19th century: international interactions and mutual perceptions (from the earliest time to the Civil War era).” This lecture will be in Russian, and it will take place from 2:00-2:50 PM at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). 

Prof. Zhuravleva and Prof. Kurilla are the 5th and 6th speakers respectively to visit MIIS this semester through the Visiting Experts series, a foundational element of the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies. The Initiative comprises three other primary programs: a field research trip to the Russian Far East for MIIS and Middlebury students led by Professor Tsuneo Akaha; coordinating and supporting MIIS students in undertaking summer research and internship opportunities in Russia; and translating weekly public opinion polls conducted by the Levada-center from Russian to English.  For more information on the list of upcoming experts for this semester and on the Initiative itself, please visit:

Two Experts on Russian Media to Visit MIIS March 28-29 2016

Krasilshchik headshotThis week, the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies will host two lecturers from Russia at MIIS as part of its Visiting Experts series. The first, Ilya Krasilshchik, is a leader in the Russian media. After serving as product director of the Afisha publishing company for many years, he and two other partners launched the Russian language news portal Meduza in 2014. Mr. Krasilshchik will deliver a lecture entitled, “How to Build a Media in Modern Russia” in Russian on Monday, March 28, from 2-4 PM in Irvine Auditorium.  The second expert is Ekaterina Krongaus, editor at Meduza. Mrs. Krongaus’ lecture, which will also be given in Russian, is entitled, “Journalism in Russia: How to Create a Story When Nobody Talks.” It will take place on Tuesday, March 29, from 2-4 PM in McGowan 102.

Mr. Krasilshchik and Mrs. Krongaus are the third and fourth speakers to visit MIIS this semester through the Visiting Experts series, a foundational element of the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies. The Initiative comprises three other primary programs: a field research trip to the Russian Far East for MIIS and Middlebury students led by Professor Tsuneo Akaha; coordinating and supporting MIIS students in undertaking summer research and internship opportunities in Russia; and translating weekly public opinion polls conducted by the Levada-center from Russian to English.  For more information on the list of upcoming experts for this semester and on the Initiative itself, please visit:

GIRS and MGIMO Students Initiate New Dialogue Series

On March 2nd, students in the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies (GIRS) and Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies (NPTS) degree program participated in an English-language Skype dialogue with students from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). During the discussion, speakers from both sides spoke about U.S. and Russian strategies and objectives in the Arctic region, U.S. and Russian Arctic oil and gas projects and the effect sanctions have had on related joint ventures. This spurred discussion of the prospects for future cooperation, most notably in regional natural resource extraction. At the end of the discussion, the President of the MGIMO Artic Club invited discussion participants and other MIIS students to participate in MGIMO’s Student Arctic Week from September 19-25, 2016. More information regarding this opportunity will soon be available.

This dialogue was the first of a new series of GIRS-MGIMO student dialogues to be conducted in both Russian and English languages on topical international relations issues. MIIS’ second-semester NPTS masters degree candidate Julia Diamond and MGIMO’s fourth-year bachelors degree candidate Adlan Margoev have partnered in organizing these dialogues. Through the talks students will exchange ideas, knowledge and perspectives, contributing to the GIRS mission of educating future specialists on Russia and Eurasia via discourse of the region. Organizers hope that the discussions can serve as a mechanism through which ties between American and Russian students, as well as between MIIS and MGIMO can be strengthened.   

The next discussion will occur on April 13 on the topic: fitting the Syria peace talks into the context of U.S.-Russia bilateral relations. Future discussion topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Interpretations by Russian- and English-language mass media sources of current events
  • The fight against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
  • Nuclear Security: 2016 Nuclear Security Summit
  • Prospects for the resolution of the situation in Ukraine in the near term
  • Iran and the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
  • Impacts on European and Eurasian security of NATO-Russian competition
  • Next steps for U.S.-Russian cooperation in relation to North Korea
  • The future of the INF Treaty
  • U.S.-Russian cooperation on climate after the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21)
  • Security and political developments in Afghanistan

GIRS Hosts Expert on Russian Art March 7-10, 2016

During the week of March 7, 2016, the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies will host three lectures by visiting expert Dr. Natalia Sevagina. Dr. Sevagina is an art historian at Moscow’s renowned Tretyakov Gallery; in her lectures, she will explore the use of art as a medium through which to better understand Russia. The first lecture, on Monday March 7, will focus on Russian icons. The second, on Tuesday March 8, will focus on Russian classical art, and the third, on Thursday March 10th will examine Russia’s modern art.  All three of Dr. Sevagina’s lectures will be delivered in Russian.

Dr. Sevagina is the second lecturer of the Spring 2016 Visiting Experts Series organized by GIRS.  The Visiting Experts program is a foundational element of the GIRS initiative, alongside three other objectives: a field research trip to the Russian Far East for MIIS and Middlebury students led by Professor Tsuneo Akaha; coordinating and supporting MIIS students in undertaking summer research and internship opportunities in Russia; and translating weekly public opinion polls conducted by the Levada-center from Russian to English.  For more information on the list of upcoming experts for this semester and on the Initiative itself, please visit:

Visiting Experts Schedule Spring 2016

(Updated February 2016)

Date Time Venue Presenter Title
Mo, 2/8 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Alexander Vylegzhanin The Central Arctic Ocean as an Object of Contemporary International Law – in Russian
Tue, 2/9 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Alexander Vylegzhanin Интересы России и США в районе Берингова пролива: правовая характеристика – in Russian
Mo, 3/7 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS0 Dr. Natalia Sevagina Russian Art (Title TBD) – in Russian
Tue, 3/8 12:00  – 1:50pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Natalia Sevagina How to Understand Russians Through Their Ancient Art – in English
Tue, 3/8 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Natalia Sevagina How to Understand Russians Through Their Classical Art – in Russian
Thu, 3/10 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Natalia Sevagina How to Understand Russians Through Their Modern Art – in Russian

Mo, 3/28

Tue, 3/29

2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Mr. Ilia Krasilshchik and Mrs. Ekaterina Krongaus Meduza (Title TBD) 
Thu, 4/14 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Dmitry Adamsky History of Russia’s involvement in the Middle East – in Russian
Fri, 4/14 10:00-11:50am V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Dmitry Adamsky The United States and Russia in the Middle East Now – in Russian
May-date TBD 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Alexey Arbatov (Title TBD)
May-date TBD 2:00 – 4:00 pm V-499 VC room (CNS) Dr. Nadya Arbatova Russia-EU Relations (Title TBD)