Dialogue: American and Russian Perspectives on the North Korean Nuclear Threat: Lessons for the Future

On November 16th, 2016, the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies (GIRS) and the Student Scientific Society (NSO)’s Future World Diplomats hosted a dialogue between students of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). In the weeks leading up to the dialogue, MIIS and MGIMO students collaborated remotely to prepare joint presentations. During the discussion the students delivered two series of presentations: one on official American and Russian policies and the prospects for re-starting the Six Party Talks, and another on media interpretations in the U.S. and Russia and public opinion in Russia regarding North Korea. After each set of presentations the dialogue opened up to a round-table discussion of the information presented, prospects for future official cooperation, as well as the differing educational experiences of the American and Russian participants studying the topic.

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This dialogue took place as a part of the NSO-GIRS Dialogue Series.