Week 1 Day 2: Mis/Perceptions of Africa
- What are your impressions of Africa? Why/How do you think you have come to those impressions? Show specific evidence of your “Africa education”
- What is your impression of the way/s the world perceives Africa?
- What type of evidence do YOU find compelling to explain why the world perceives Africa and Africans in certain ways.
Week 10 Day 1: Corruption
Work with a classmate (or 2 or 3) to
- investigate the following:
- What corruption is (find definitions and note sources)–write down two compelling definitions of corruptions
- The extent of corruption in Africa [data and sources?]–report some data. For context, report on both Africa and non-African countries.
- The costs of corruption for Africa (why it is bad) [data and sources?]–report some data
HINT: The optional reading by Burgis (2015) might help.
2. Prepare a report for Tuesday’s class (7-mn MAX informal presentation)
Week 10 Day 2: Governance
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2016, for six dimensions of governance:
- Voice and Accountability
- Political Stability and Absence of Violence
- Government Effectiveness
- Regulatory Quality
- Rule of Law
- Control of Corruption
For ways to measure these indicators, go here.
- Choose 2 countries from each of the 5 conventional regions of Africa and report their governance performance using the above 6 WGI indicators. Report in a table.
- For context, do the same with 10 countries from other parts of the world (you can mix and match continents if you want–follow your curiosity!)
- Write a paragraph about your observations.
- Compare the WGI and the Ibrahim governance indicators (pp. 164-166 for terms and definitions) and assess which set of indicators you find more compelling/useful. Explain your choice. Use evidence whenever possible to make your point.
- Now, select performance indicators for each of the SDGs for the 10 African countries you chose for Task 1. For data, go here. Report in a table alongside governance performance indicators (make a 2-column table).
- Write a paragraph about your observations and hypotheses that come to mind.