Students are expected to:
- Attend all seminars and actively participate in discussions (attendance is mandatory, not optional).
- Attend one out-of-class screening on Wednesday, October 30.
- Consult the assigned readings and other materials before class to ensure that discussions are informed, lively, fruitful, and interesting.
- Complete research on innovations across the continent by semester’s end (aim for 1 innovation per week and settle on 5 at the end of the term).
- Make connections across topics discussed in the seminar and across your learning experiences on and off campus.
- Attend and even cook for the class dinner scheduled for Thursday, November 21.
Each student will complete the following by term’s end:
- 2 short essays (1,500 words + bibliography each) or 6 reflection pieces (500 words each) or 1 essay and 3 reflections
- An in-class group presentation (2 to 3 students per group)
- A research paper (12-15 pages + bibliography)
- An innovation portfolio in various realms of Africans’ lives (5 innovations selected from a wider pool)
Your performance will be evaluated as follows:
- Participation in class [25% of final grade]
- Two short essays (1,5000 words+ bibliography each) or 6 reflections or again 1 essay and 3 reflections [30% of final grade]
- Innovation portfolio and group presentation (2 to 3 students per group) [20% of final grade]
- A research paper (12-15 pages + bibliography) [25% of final grade]