Your Portfolios

I ask that you submit your writing portfolios electronically on Middfiles. If you cannot use Middfiles, then submit your portfolio in hard copy form.

Go to: Classes/Spring 2017/psci0321/RETURN FOLDER. In YOUR folder,

1. Post each of your reflections using the following format:

Yanson Week 2 (recall there were not reflections for Week 1)

Yanson  2 Rewrite (where applicable)

Do this for all the reflections you wrote and submitted.

2. Then post your two essays using the following format:

Yanson Essay 1

Yanson Essay 1 Rewrite (where applicable)

Yanson Essay 2

3. And post your final exam or final paper using the following format:

Yanson Final Exam (or Paper)

I am around if you have questions about this.