The television show “Community” is notorious for its incorporation of product placement through its explicit efforts to promote certain products in entire episodes specifically dedicated to these brands. This is especially evident in the episodes “Digital Exploration of Interior Design” and “Advanced Safety Features” that focus on Subway and Honda, respectively.
Despite popularity with fans, Community has historically struggled with its profitability and has sought out sponsors in order to establish a more consistent stream of income and remain on the air. Because the show was forced to sell itself to these sponsors, the producers thought that they might as well fully embrace their surrender into the hands of consumer product companies, such as Subway and Honda, by creating episodes that present over-the-top versions of product placement.
Community takes a unique approach to product placement in that it does not attempt to hide its intentions; rather, the writers acknowledge that they are using product placement and utilize that as a plot point and source of humor. By presenting product placement in an obvious manner, the viewer is less likely to feel manipulated by the brand and instead associate it with comedy and one of his or her favorite shows. Community makes a mockery of product placement but does so in a way that makes consuming these products more attractive.