SHECP Opening Conference

from left: James Calvin Davis (Academic Director of Privilege & Poverty); Cicilia Robison ’18; Caleb Green ’19; Gia Gould ’19; Amirah Fauzi ’18; Sergio Nuñez-Xoconoxtle ’18; Tiffany Sargent ’79 (Internship Director of Privilege & Poverty). Not pictured: Caitlin Klemme ’18 and Elizabeth Zhou ’18

Our Privilege & Poverty national interns attended the SHECP 2017 Frueauff Opening Conference at Marymount University this weekend. This conference began to explore themes of poverty, incarceration and race, which will be the focus of the Closing Conference and Annual Symposium. Additionally, interns engaged in discussions on living and learning environments and cultural humility, getting to know one another before they travel to their internship sites and begin their internships!

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