Image result for centrifugal fans




centrifugal fans: a type of fan that is used to blow air around. Some synonyms for centrifugal fans are “blowers” and “squirrel cage fan”.











heat sinks: a device where heat is passed from the device to a fluid, which brings in the heat and takes it away from the device. This makes sure a machine does not overheat and keeps it at optimal temperatures.








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liquid coolant: convention or circulation of a liquid.




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MareNostrum computer: one of the thirteen Spanish supercomputers; the most powerful of the supercomputers located in Spain.



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Terracotta soldiers: Terracotta soldiers are statues of armies from the first emperor of China. They are a grouping of art sculptures that represent the armies and were rediscovered.



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LCD screens: LCD stands for liquid crystal display, which can be found on most electronics such as iPhones, laptops, TV screens and more. Screens are made out of matrices that have pixels. These create images on a screen.





granite: granite is a type of igneous rock used to create many different structures. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock that often appears pink, gray, and white.

Oriental carpet: textile rug that is often colorful, heavy, and made of silk, wool, and cotton.







stalactite: various liquids able to drip, melt, and cool, can hang from the top of a cave, which are called stalactites.

D-Wave: the D-Wave computer was created in quantum physics as a quantum computer.








Quantum computing: a type of computing that analyzes data through a quantum-mechanical approach. The computers are translators that interpret data and information using quantum bits instead of binary digits (as regular computers do).

Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab: the goal of the lab is to use quantum computing (with computers like D-Wave) and experiment with different machines to watch development of artificial intelligence.








Bicameralism: process of dividing into two; this can be applied to legislature as well as the human brain.

Copernican heliocentrism: Copernican came up with the idea that the planets, including earth, revolved around the Sun. This meant that the sun was at the center of the solar system. Copernican’s idea of heliocentrism is the accepted theory of position of the solar system.









Einstein’s discovery of relativity: the basis of Einstein’s discovery of relativity is that time is warped by Earth as well as twisted.