Fiat  Automobiles S.p.A. (FIAT, Italian: Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, ‘Italian Automobiles Factory, Turin’) is the largest automobile manufacturer in Italy. Fiat’s main market is Europe, mainly focused in Italy. Historically successful in citycars and supermini sector, currently Fiat has a range of models focused on those two segments.

El Torbiscal was founded in 1947, quite close to the IV National road. The task of that town was create a living place for farmers in the middle of a farm. It was considered an idyllic city once it was made. Despite being small, El Torbiscal had a Theatre, a swimming pool, green areas and a church, just in the entrance of the town. In the 1990s, the town started to die slowly and was finally abandoned in 2011.

Vatican City : The Vatican’s history as the seat of the Catholic Church began with the construction of a basilica over St. Peter’s grave in Rome in the 4th century A.D. The area developed into a popular pilgrimage site and commercial district, although it was abandoned following the move of the papal court to France in 1309. After the Church returned in 1377, famous landmarks such the Apostolic Palace, the Sistine Chapel and the new St. Peter’s Basilica were erected within the city limits. Vatican City was established in its current form as a sovereign nation with the singing of the Lateran Pacts in 1929.

Here is a virtual tour of the Vatican City:

Vatican City State | 360° Aerial Panoramas, 360° Virtual Tours Around the World, Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth

“Bienvenidos”:  “welcome” in Spanish

“¿Qué tal, Marco?”: “How are you, Marco?” in Spanish

“Ha venido a conocer al papa”: “He has come to meet the Pope.” in Spanish

Palm trees, Latin name Arecaceae, palms are native to tropical and subtropical climates. Palms thrive in moist and hot climates, however, they can be found in many different habitats. Their diversity is highest in wet, lowland forests. South America, the Caribbean, and areas of the south Pacific and southern Asia are regions of concentration.

Iglesia Católica Palmariana, Spanish for Palmerian Catholic Church. The “Christian” Palmarian Church of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, commonly called the Palmarian “Catholic” Church, is a small schismatic self-professed traditional Catholic Church with its own appointed “pope”, bishops and priests centred around El Palmar de Troya, Spain.

Palmarian Catholic Church does not use the Tridentine Mass Order, but a very brief version which is thought to include ”the essential parts” of that rite. The Mass Order is concentrated to offertory, consecration and sacrificial communion. Making it very brief, about five minutes long, each cleric will read several masses a day; in fact, they say turns of Masses, not individual ones. The Masses were also read in Latin. Palmarian belief is very conservative. Parents must homeschool their children to protect them from the wickedness of the public school system. They are strictly anti-free mason, anti-zionist, and anti-Marxist.

Image result for Canal Sur

Canal Sur ,SUR, United Relay System, is an International Corporation with more than 20 years of foundation. Their mission is to bring to the Latin American population emigrants in the world the programming of their country: fresh, current, relevant, without cuts or editions and with authenticity of origin.

“La Iglesia Oscura”: “the dark church” in Spanish. “La Iglesia Oscar” is a real broadcast that Canal Sur broadcasted about the Palmarian Catholic Church. There has been other videos made about the Palmarian Church, but the video below was the broadcast that was discussed in the book. Unfortunately it’s in Spanish, but this is the video broadcasted by Canal Sur.

Sedavacantism” is derived from the Latin phrase sede vacante, which literally means “with the chair (of Saint Peter) vacant”. The phrase is commonly used to refer specifically to a vacancy of the Holy See from the death or resignation of a pope to the election of his successor. It means that the present occupant of the Holy See is not truly pope due to the mainstream church’s espousal of the heresy of modernism and that, for lack of a valid pope, the see has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.

Image result for Clement Dominguez y Gómez

Clement Dominguez y Gómez was a self-proclaimed successor of Pope Paul VI, and was recognized as Pope Gregory XVII by supporters of the Palmarian Catholic Church schismatic breakway movement in 1978. His claim was not taken seriously by other mainstream Roman Catholics, the vast majority of whom were unaware of his existence. On 15 August 1978, he was crowned Pope by four of his newly created College of Cardinals in a coronation held in Seville in Spain. During his papacy, he purported to canonize Generalissimo Francisco Franco and Christopher Columbus as saints. According to his supporters, Pope Gregory XVII was destined to be the last Pope, and would be crucified and die in Jerusalem.

Antipope is a person who a person who is elected or claims to be pope in opposition to another held to be canonically chosen.

Bridget Crosbie was a normal teenager who loved life, young, carefree, and artitstic. She joined the Palmarian Church for an unknown reason. Because of it’s strict beliefs, Bridget could not have any contact with people who were not in Palmarnian dress code (full length dark dress) or have any technology. This effectively isolated Bridget from her family and sisters. Her neighbors said she always stayed in her room and never interacted with any of them. On November 20th, they found her body in her apartment after she was dead for 2 months. After learning of her death, Bridget’s sisters began speaking against the Palmarian church and how this “religious cult took our sister from us.” Here is a link to an article that discusses Bridget Crosbie’s story in more detail: .

excommunicate– verb. To cut off from communion with a church orexclude from the sacraments of a church byecclesiastical sentence; To exclude or expel from membership orparticipation in any group, association, etc.

By Jillian Lessing