2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Middlebury College experienced a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Middlebury will not see another total solar eclipse until August 2, 2399. The last time a total solar eclipse was observed at this location was September 10, 1569.

Battell Beach Viewing Party

On a mild, sunny afternoon with thin, high clouds, students and faculty/staff gathered on Battell Beach to witness the total solar eclipse.

Prof. McKinley Brumback and observatory-trained student volunteers operated various solar viewing equipment including Sunspotters, solar binoculars, and pinhole cameras in collaboration with volunteers from the Davis Family Library.

The eclipse lasted for 2 hours and 23 minutes, in total, and viewers experienced approximately 60 seconds of totality. During totality, reddish-pink solar prominences and the white, wispy solar corona were visible.

2024 Solar Eclipse Lecture Series

A solar-eclipse-themed lecture series was organized to educate and inspire students and faculty/staff in preparation for the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse. Topics included: sun science, eclipse science, solar eclipse viewing safety and tips, ancient astronomy, Mayan culture and mythology, and space mission design. Links to the lecture videos are provided below:

April 1, 2024
Mission to the Sun: Exploring the Solar Corona
Dr. Catherine Miller

April 2, 2024
Eclipses and Other Solar Anxieties in Ancient Mesoamerica
Prof. James Fitzsimmons

April 3, 2024
The Physics and Societal Impact of Solar Eclipses
Prof. Eilat Glikman

April 4, 2024
From Core to Corona: Exploring the Sun and What to Expect During Total Eclipse
Prof. McKinley Brumback

The 2024 Solar Eclipse Lecture Series was sponsored by the Mittelman Observatory and the Physics Department.


NASA Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses
Total Solar Eclipse of 2399 Aug 02
Total Solar Eclipse of 1569 Sep 10

Photo Credits

Solar Eclipse: Catherine Miller
Battell Beach Viewing Party: Angus Findlay and Sue Kavanagh