Tuesdays with Morrie book review

Human values are usually taught by mentors. Tuesdays with Morrie depicts the last few lessons Mitch Albom had with his mentor, Professor Morrie Schwartz. These had nothing to do with academics; they were all about teaching human values, and it was taught right inside Schwartz’s dining room. Based on Tuesdays with Morrie, I think that humans value living a happy life.


Schwartz teaches Albom to appreciate life and to be aware of what life has to offer him in order to live a happy life. These lessons were taught on Tuesdays and thus the title Tuesdays with Morrie. During the course, they talk about family, love and emotion, all leading to the message that Albom should appreciate life. Schwartz says he has learned to acknowledge life more when he sees death in front of his eyes. He recalls a terrifying accident when he and his brother were almost run over by a car when they were ice sledding. Now, even though Schwartz’s death could happen at any second, he doesn’t waste time and appreciates what he can still do, including reading the newspaper and talking to Albom. I believe that humans become happy if they learn how to appreciate life. Despite Schwartz’s illness, he still lives a happier life than most others because he appreciates what life has to offer.


Apart from teaching Albom to appreciate life, Schwartz also reunited Albom and his own brother. He didn’t tell Albom to make up with his brother; he taught Albom values of love that led him to start talking to his brother again. Schwartz said that love is the only rational thing, and one should learn how to give love and let it in. Albom and his brother had a rough history together but at the end Albom decided to reconcile. He always had a grudge against his brother and could not speak to him about his illness. At the end, Albom showed love to his brother and they were speaking like they used to, with a tinge of childish humor. Their connection was reestablished. I believe that if humans learn how to deliver love and maintain good relationships, they could learn to live a happier life. It was obvious that Albom was a much happier person after he made up with his brother.


According to Schwartz, living happily also includes finding a mentor who can teach one the ways of life. He says that people nowadays are so involved keeping themselves occupied, they don’t have any time to introspect and ask themselves if this is what they want. Schwartz sees so many young people wasting their time, and he doesn’t wish to see Albom doing that. Finding a mentor was the third human value that led to happiness in life; Albom didn’t realize why he was happy until he looked at the person sitting across him, his mentor Professor Morrie Schwartz.


Based on Tuesdays with Morrie, I think that humans value living a happy life.

If I were an alien civilization, I would see the importance of morality, and of the three lessons Schwartz teaches Albom. They are deeply rooted inside humans, and something that they have to take the time to search for and appreciate.

Tiredness and life

I have been ill recently and I think the stress that the school is giving me hasn’t been helping at all. Especially coming to an end of this term, when all the deadlines are closing in…

Learned to play Madden recently. Obviously after coming to America I got to learn what American Football is all about, and after learning the rules Madden is actually pretty fun. By the way I have no idea why Americans call soccer soccer, that should be the real football!

Looking forward to Thanksgiving as well, with my new PS4 waiting for me at home. People ask me why I am so good at FIFA. Well I started to play on a regular basis since an age of 13 with British people who actually invented the sport, that helps my game a lot. And I spent all my weekends watching premier league games so I really understand the mechanics behind the game.

Hilarious article

I’ve been posting but I don’t know why they didn’t go through!

Anyways pounced on this hilarious article.


Basically a man married a woman and they had 3 kids. However, after the kids were born the man accused the wife of having external affairs due to the ugliness of their children. Turned out that the wife had plastic surgery without the husband knowing. Things got out of hand and the husband actually sued the wife in court and won!

What do you guys think about this ridiculous incident?

Back to school

I went to New York for the break, how about you guys?

I just met up with some old pals from Hong Kong who are also going to uni around New York. Now I am severely behind work and trying to catch up right now! Apart from reading “Beyond Technology”, I haven’t been doing much work wise.

I was going to go back to New York this weekend again because my parents and my little sister are coming to do their “college tour”. However, plans have changed, and they probably won’t be coming. 🙁

Looking forward to the break!

Looking forward to the break. I have worked hard and I deserve it! Going to see my brother and my New York friends soon which I am looking forward to. Even though I do love Middlebury and the people around me, I was born and raised in a city environment and literally can’t wait for the pollution and noise again.

No real reason to blog. It’s been a long day for me; I invested around 6 hours in the library. Don’t really know what to write about.

I went for the “American” look today. I wore a white shirt, blue jeans, a red vest and an US Open cap, demonstrating my eagerness to learn about American culture. Haha, lol? Do you guys use lol in blogging occasions? I think it is pretty suitable to be honest because blogging is more informal.

Media Fast

Glad to say that I am done with that.

To be honest, it was exactly what I expected since I had many days during my gap year which I couldn’t use digital media. After this media fast, I can confirm that I use digital media most of the time to fill up some spare time. Since I knew this was coming, I forced myself doing other activities because I knew I would start feeling empty if I didn’t. I went to the gym, watched the football game and organized my room. The only time I felt like I needed a phone was when I wanted to contact my friend because we were planning on to go to town together. It didn’t work out, so I ended up reading my book.

After reading, it was already after 12, so I pounced onto my phone finding what I have missed out. It wasn’t anything exciting, just some boring people asking how am I or what am I up to. Even though I would have preferred having a mobile phone on me, I concluded that I could live without one.

Radio Time!

By the way, every Sunday 12Am-1:30Am I am on air on WRMC 91.1, playing my mixes!

Even though I am by myself here and everyone else is actually raving to house music, I am having a great time. It is great to listen that you have created yourself! It is incredibly satisfying. Playing at the radio station by myself also gives me time to think about what I have done this week and what is to come.

I had two mid terms last week and I didn’t do too well in them. However now I know what the exam format is, I can approach revision with a different approach.

Hope you all had a good weekend!

By the way http://www.sendspace.com/file/qywttq if you want to listen!

My Mix


This is a mix I recorded last saturday night for the WRMC Radio. I remember when I first wanted to DJ; it must have been 3 years ago. I used to do so much research online because I couldn’t get my hands on any gear. Surfing online for DJ gear and learning about it was the closest connection I could get with DJ equipment. Finally, after making some money in my gap year, I bought myself a midi controller as a gift for myself. It didn’t take me a long time to get used to it because I looked at the picture layout on Google so many times that I knew where every button was. My parents were kind enough to buy me a quality portable controller and this is my first mix of it. There are plenty of mistakes in it but hey, start from the bottom!

Working at the library – a total different experience

I don’t understand why I haven’t worked here before. Even though I convinced myself time after time that one could work in Battell, I realized that one actually couldn’t after I came to the library. In Battell, people in the halls are shouting, dancing, sometimes even singing. People come to my room approximately every five minutes just to say “hi”. Either I was too lazy to move out my room or I just decided that I was the “exception” who wasn’t distracted.

Now I am in the library, with literally no distractions, working at the most efficient pace.

Credits to Nick for taking me to the library. Also when everyone see him give him a pat on the back because he beat me in FIFA in which I finally acknowledged him for. I couldn’t find any excuses this time, he did have a great game. HOWEVER, the throne is still on my head.

The New iPhone 5s

I read a couple of articles talking about the iPhone 5s and I am impressed. I have always been very critical towards many of the Apple products but I particularly enjoy the launch of the iPhone 5s.

Yes, the hardware is pretty much the same (some new colours) and the processor is the quickest one ever. However these aren’t the aspects that I appreciated of the new iPhone. My favourite feature of the new iPhone is the fingerprint sensor. Not only it is a cooler way to unlock an iPhone, it gives the iPhone a new level of security. On the iPhones before, a “passcode” is required to unlock it. However, this “passcode” is mostly known by people close to you. Also, there is a 1/9999 chance one would get the passcode. A fingerprint is absolutely unique, even though you would want people who are close to you to have the “passcode” to your iPhone, you can’t.

New article just came out:


This article talked about how the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner got hacked, causing a tremendous panic. This article described how a fraud extracted a fingerprint from a surface, scanned into a computer, printed out on latex then managed to hack through the phone.

If this technique is proved viable, the chances of this happening are lot less than 1/9999. However, this security measure is showing that Apple and smartphone world is moving towards making iPhone a more secure device than ever, leading to many more opportunities. This includes leading the banks to trust the iPhone than before, eventually allowing people to pay with their iPhone. Payments on the iPhone have not been successful and I find myself taking a wallet and my phone when I go out. Many apps have tried to make an “e-wallet”, trying to get rid off the wallet, like how the iPhone got rid off physical calendars, contact books etc.

The fingerprint sensor has a huge potential.