Library: Group Singing

I just had to rush down here to blog about this.

I have sat in the library for around 10 hours now and as I was using the last bit of energy in me… A voice started going through my head. At first I thought I was so tired that I started dreaming about Christmas songs. Quickly after I realised that there was a acapella group singing in the library, I sprinted away from my desk to listen to it.

As I stopped by the stairs where i could see them sing. It was the most beautiful thing I have heard in a while. For some reason it gave me the biggest chills and brought back many childhood memories to me. This force completely reenergised me. As I was rotting through my final paper of Immigrant America, as I was complaining only to myself of how miserable life is at this moment, the voices of the acapella group completely brought me out of that bubble. I was so in the zone that I couldn’t see the other 100 people also listening from upstairs. Damn, they must be feeling what I felt just now.

Now I feel refreshed. Tonight was going to be such a cruel night but the voices of those people made it 500 percent better.

Norris out.

1 thought on “Library: Group Singing

  1. Meg Poterba

    I’m so upset that I missed this! Christmas carols are the absolutely best. However, this is an awesome example of how we actually don’t need media in our lives… I think we all can attest to how much we listen to our iPod when trying to study or put on some background music on Pandora in our rooms. We always think that we have to rely on media to facilitate that background noise, since hearing voices of people around us can be distracting. But I never really thought about what it would be like to have people singing quietly while you study. It seems like it was a great experience for you…so maybe we don’t need media to supply our background music after all.

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