Teaching at MUMS

I never had any teaching experience before. Contrary to belief, I was really confident before class. I kept asking my partner Erin “why am I not nervous? I should be”. It wasn’t until that moment when I stepped into the classroom when I felt butterflies shoot up in my stomach.

I remember hating teachers at that age. During middle school, all I wanted to do was to skip class and go home. I had no passion for learning whatsoever and had no respect for any teachers. Seeing the kids in MUMS settled down for 30 minutes straight and actually listening to what Erin and me had to say was very impressive.

After couple minutes of messing about (we expected that) they settled down immediately. Thank god they were energetic and involved or else it would have been such an awkward class! I knew immediately that they were the energetic type because before I even started a kid already greeted me. That simple greeting gave me a new sense of confidence and I proceeded to make the class more energetic and fun.

They were very excited at the fact that they could actually collaborate with Google Docs, instead of just doing peer editing. As expected, some of the more rebellious kids started messing about with the prompt i.e changing the font size and type. Afterwards they did their task. I hate to admit it but I think they messed around less than us in the beginning. There were certain members in the DML class who just wouldn’t stop goofing around. At the end they did a solid job by producing a paragraph describing what good does Google Docs do to them.