Tuesdays with Morrie book review

Human values are usually taught by mentors. Tuesdays with Morrie depicts the last few lessons Mitch Albom had with his mentor, Professor Morrie Schwartz. These had nothing to do with academics; they were all about teaching human values, and it was taught right inside Schwartz’s dining room. Based on Tuesdays with Morrie, I think that humans value living a happy life.


Schwartz teaches Albom to appreciate life and to be aware of what life has to offer him in order to live a happy life. These lessons were taught on Tuesdays and thus the title Tuesdays with Morrie. During the course, they talk about family, love and emotion, all leading to the message that Albom should appreciate life. Schwartz says he has learned to acknowledge life more when he sees death in front of his eyes. He recalls a terrifying accident when he and his brother were almost run over by a car when they were ice sledding. Now, even though Schwartz’s death could happen at any second, he doesn’t waste time and appreciates what he can still do, including reading the newspaper and talking to Albom. I believe that humans become happy if they learn how to appreciate life. Despite Schwartz’s illness, he still lives a happier life than most others because he appreciates what life has to offer.


Apart from teaching Albom to appreciate life, Schwartz also reunited Albom and his own brother. He didn’t tell Albom to make up with his brother; he taught Albom values of love that led him to start talking to his brother again. Schwartz said that love is the only rational thing, and one should learn how to give love and let it in. Albom and his brother had a rough history together but at the end Albom decided to reconcile. He always had a grudge against his brother and could not speak to him about his illness. At the end, Albom showed love to his brother and they were speaking like they used to, with a tinge of childish humor. Their connection was reestablished. I believe that if humans learn how to deliver love and maintain good relationships, they could learn to live a happier life. It was obvious that Albom was a much happier person after he made up with his brother.


According to Schwartz, living happily also includes finding a mentor who can teach one the ways of life. He says that people nowadays are so involved keeping themselves occupied, they don’t have any time to introspect and ask themselves if this is what they want. Schwartz sees so many young people wasting their time, and he doesn’t wish to see Albom doing that. Finding a mentor was the third human value that led to happiness in life; Albom didn’t realize why he was happy until he looked at the person sitting across him, his mentor Professor Morrie Schwartz.


Based on Tuesdays with Morrie, I think that humans value living a happy life.

If I were an alien civilization, I would see the importance of morality, and of the three lessons Schwartz teaches Albom. They are deeply rooted inside humans, and something that they have to take the time to search for and appreciate.

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