Back to school

I went to New York for the break, how about you guys?

I just met up with some old pals from Hong Kong who are also going to uni around New York. Now I am severely behind work and trying to catch up right now! Apart from reading “Beyond Technology”, I haven’t been doing much work wise.

I was going to go back to New York this weekend again because my parents and my little sister are coming to do their “college tour”. However, plans have changed, and they probably won’t be coming. 🙁

Looking forward to the break!

Looking forward to the break. I have worked hard and I deserve it! Going to see my brother and my New York friends soon which I am looking forward to. Even though I do love Middlebury and the people around me, I was born and raised in a city environment and literally can’t wait for the pollution and noise again.

No real reason to blog. It’s been a long day for me; I invested around 6 hours in the library. Don’t really know what to write about.

I went for the “American” look today. I wore a white shirt, blue jeans, a red vest and an US Open cap, demonstrating my eagerness to learn about American culture. Haha, lol? Do you guys use lol in blogging occasions? I think it is pretty suitable to be honest because blogging is more informal.

Media Fast

Glad to say that I am done with that.

To be honest, it was exactly what I expected since I had many days during my gap year which I couldn’t use digital media. After this media fast, I can confirm that I use digital media most of the time to fill up some spare time. Since I knew this was coming, I forced myself doing other activities because I knew I would start feeling empty if I didn’t. I went to the gym, watched the football game and organized my room. The only time I felt like I needed a phone was when I wanted to contact my friend because we were planning on to go to town together. It didn’t work out, so I ended up reading my book.

After reading, it was already after 12, so I pounced onto my phone finding what I have missed out. It wasn’t anything exciting, just some boring people asking how am I or what am I up to. Even though I would have preferred having a mobile phone on me, I concluded that I could live without one.

Radio Time!

By the way, every Sunday 12Am-1:30Am I am on air on WRMC 91.1, playing my mixes!

Even though I am by myself here and everyone else is actually raving to house music, I am having a great time. It is great to listen that you have created yourself! It is incredibly satisfying. Playing at the radio station by myself also gives me time to think about what I have done this week and what is to come.

I had two mid terms last week and I didn’t do too well in them. However now I know what the exam format is, I can approach revision with a different approach.

Hope you all had a good weekend!

By the way if you want to listen!