My Mix

This is a mix I recorded last saturday night for the WRMC Radio. I remember when I first wanted to DJ; it must have been 3 years ago. I used to do so much research online because I couldn’t get my hands on any gear. Surfing online for DJ gear and learning about it was the closest connection I could get with DJ equipment. Finally, after making some money in my gap year, I bought myself a midi controller as a gift for myself. It didn’t take me a long time to get used to it because I looked at the picture layout on Google so many times that I knew where every button was. My parents were kind enough to buy me a quality portable controller and this is my first mix of it. There are plenty of mistakes in it but hey, start from the bottom!

Working at the library – a total different experience

I don’t understand why I haven’t worked here before. Even though I convinced myself time after time that one could work in Battell, I realized that one actually couldn’t after I came to the library. In Battell, people in the halls are shouting, dancing, sometimes even singing. People come to my room approximately every five minutes just to say “hi”. Either I was too lazy to move out my room or I just decided that I was the “exception” who wasn’t distracted.

Now I am in the library, with literally no distractions, working at the most efficient pace.

Credits to Nick for taking me to the library. Also when everyone see him give him a pat on the back because he beat me in FIFA in which I finally acknowledged him for. I couldn’t find any excuses this time, he did have a great game. HOWEVER, the throne is still on my head.

The New iPhone 5s

I read a couple of articles talking about the iPhone 5s and I am impressed. I have always been very critical towards many of the Apple products but I particularly enjoy the launch of the iPhone 5s.

Yes, the hardware is pretty much the same (some new colours) and the processor is the quickest one ever. However these aren’t the aspects that I appreciated of the new iPhone. My favourite feature of the new iPhone is the fingerprint sensor. Not only it is a cooler way to unlock an iPhone, it gives the iPhone a new level of security. On the iPhones before, a “passcode” is required to unlock it. However, this “passcode” is mostly known by people close to you. Also, there is a 1/9999 chance one would get the passcode. A fingerprint is absolutely unique, even though you would want people who are close to you to have the “passcode” to your iPhone, you can’t.

New article just came out:

This article talked about how the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner got hacked, causing a tremendous panic. This article described how a fraud extracted a fingerprint from a surface, scanned into a computer, printed out on latex then managed to hack through the phone.

If this technique is proved viable, the chances of this happening are lot less than 1/9999. However, this security measure is showing that Apple and smartphone world is moving towards making iPhone a more secure device than ever, leading to many more opportunities. This includes leading the banks to trust the iPhone than before, eventually allowing people to pay with their iPhone. Payments on the iPhone have not been successful and I find myself taking a wallet and my phone when I go out. Many apps have tried to make an “e-wallet”, trying to get rid off the wallet, like how the iPhone got rid off physical calendars, contact books etc.

The fingerprint sensor has a huge potential.


Hi All,

Since I have came to America, I have discovered that most people are still using the SMS function even though most people have smartphones. During my gap year, I have worked for an app called WeChat, which is based in Guangzhou. This app supports Windows, Android, iOS and the Blackberry. This app is better than iMessage because iMessage only allows two iOS devices to text each other. WeChat is similar to WhatsApp in a way but much more awesome! In the new WhatsApp update, one can see that it is quietly installing WeChat functions into it. In China, WeChat has already reached 450 million users. Overseas, around 90 million. This already surpassed Facebook Messenger (around 200 million). WeChat has functions like video call, live walkie talkie etc and makes life a lot easier! It is also for FREE. So go download it now and play with it!


P.S My favorite function in it is the voice message function. Sometimes when I don’t feel like typing a long phrase I just press a button a leave a voice message on my friends phone. Download to check it out! (It pains me to see how people still use SMS)



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