MIIS Happening is April 16!

A happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered art, usually as performance art. Happenings occur anywhere and are often multi-disciplinary, with a nonlinear narrative and the active participation of the audience. Key elements of happenings are planned but artists sometimes retain room for improvisation. This new media art aspect to happenings eliminates the boundary between the artwork and its viewer.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happening

What is MIIS Happening?

A two hour Pecha Kucha-inspired event featuring short 6 minute and 40 second (20 slides x 20 seconds) talks, by MIIS students, staff, and faculty. The program will be generated through a massively open invitation for contributions by MIIS community members from all walks of campus. We’re seeking 20×20’s to inspire, engage and entertain a diverse audience, promote cross-disciplinary sharing, put a dent in programmatic silos, stir up some serendipity, celebrate creativity, and generally mix things up for a couple of hours. Talks may be inspired by storytelling or any number of themes, such as: change, place, culture, immersion, identity, adaptation, systems, ecologies, climate, language, among others. MIIS Happening! is two hours of participatory, fly-by-the-seat of your-pants intellectual exchange and exploration of unexpected connections among fields and schools of thought across the campus! MIIS Happening! is for everyone being shaped by and shaping MIIS.

How can I get involved?

We are seeking 20×20 presentations from across the MIIS community. To get involved:



Participate in a DLC MIIS Happening design clinic to learn how to present in the Pecha Kucha inspired 20 images x 20 seconds format.

Current Sign-up Sheets

Title Date Open Spots  
Pecha Kucha Design & Feedback Clinic II: 2 – 4:00pm | Weds, April 15 | DLC Design Space April 15, 2015 14

Download the Pecha Kucha slide template with built-in timing: pk_template.pptx