Keep Calm and Meditate!


Keep Calm and Meditate this Spring 2015! Sessions will take place every Wednesday from 12:30 – 1pm in room MG 210.

These drop-in sessions do not include any meditation instruction or teaching; they simply provide a regular time and peaceful place to meditate, or just sit in silence, under the quiet guidance of a host.

Here’s what to do:

  • Arrive by 12:25 p.m. (Try not to be late, but if you are, just slip in as quickly and quietly as you can.)
  • Silence your phone.
  • Quietly take off your shoes and place them with your personal items out of the way along the wall or where indicated.
  • Choose a spot to sit in the general direction or formation the host has set up.
  • You may use one of the chairs or cushions, or bring your own.
  • Simply take a seat and quietly settle in.
  • At 12:30, the host will ring the opening bell three times. This marks the beginning of the 20-minute meditation.
  • The host will ring the bell once at the midway mark.
  • At 12:50, the host will again ring the bell. This marks the end of meditation.
  • As you are ready, quietly stand up and leave.
  • Enjoy your day!

Keep Calm Meditation Update

medidate emailKeep Calm and Meditate is at a new time and location! Early morning was a little too early for most people, so we’ve moved things around to accommodate your schedules. The new time and location are Wednesday from 12:30-1:00pm in McGowan room 210.

These drop-in sessions do not include any meditation instruction or teaching. They simply provide a regular time and peaceful place to meditate under the quiet guidance of a host.

Here’s what to do:

  • Arrive by 12:25 p.m. (Try not to be late, but if you are, just slip in as quickly and quietly as you can.)
  • Silence your phone.
  • Quietly take off your shoes and place them with your personal items out of the way along the wall or where indicated.
  • Choose a spot to sit in the general direction or formation the host has set up.
  • You may use one of the chairs or cushions, or bring your own.
  • Simply take a seat and quietly settle in.
  • At 12:30, the host will ring the opening bell three times. This marks the beginning of the 20-minute meditation.
  • The host will ring the bell once at the midway mark.
  • At 12:50, the host will again ring the bell. This marks the end of meditation.
  • As you are ready, quietly stand up and leave.
  • Enjoy your day!

Questions? Email for any questions. We’ll see you there!

Keep Calm Series now Meditates!

medidate emailWant to meditate, and like the support of practicing with others? Keep Calm and drop in any weekday for 20 minutes of silent sitting meditation. Some cushions, blocks and chairs available, or BYO.

When: Monday – Friday from 7:15 – 7:45 am
Starting: September 19th
Where: DLC Design Space

Led by a fellow meditator here at MIIS who will simply host the space and ring the opening and closing bell. Not quite sure what this whole meditating thing is all about? Read below for more details!

These drop-in sessions do not include any meditation instruction or teaching. They simply provide a regular time and peaceful place to meditate under the quiet guidance of a host.

Here’s what to do:

  • Arrive by 7:15 a.m. (Try not to be late, but if you are, just slip in as quickly and quietly as you can.)
  • Silence your phone.
  • Quietly take off your shoes and place them with your personal items out of the way along the wall or where indicated.
  • Choose a spot to sit in the general direction or formation the host has set up.
  • You may use one of the chairs, cushions, or yoga blocks provided, or bring your own.
  • Simply take a seat and quietly settle in.
  • At 7:20, the host will ring the opening bell three times. This marks the beginning of meditation.
  • At 7:40, the host will again ring the bell. This marks the end of meditation.
  • As you are ready, quietly stand up and put away any props you used.
  • If you have time, please help the host put away other chairs, etc. as needed.
  • The space should be cleared between 7:45 and 7:50.
  • Enjoy your day!