New Appointment System at the DLC!

appointment-booking-screenshotWe have a new appointment system for booking one-on-one appointments with any of our team members in the Digital Learning Commons.

It’s a very straight-forward 4-step system, intended to make the appointment booking process smoother and easier for everyone.

See below for more details on how it works.

Click here to try it out and book an appointment with someone on our friendly team!

Step 1: Service

First, you pick the category that best matches your need. The five categories are:

  1. Audio & Video
  2. Instructional Technology
  3. Presentation & Graphic Design
  4. Blogging & Web Tools
  5. Other

Note: If you choose the “Other” category, you are not guaranteed an appointment time. We will need to follow up with you to clarify your request and guide you to the person who can best help you.

Step 2: Employee

Second, you choose the team member you want to work with. Each team member has slightly different areas of expertise and software knowledge, so pay attention to their description, if you want to work with specific software.

Note: If you want to schedule an appointment with a full-time staff member—Bob Cole, Evelyn Helminen, or Melissa Jennings, and cannot find availability using this system, you can email them directly to set up a custom appointment.

Step 3: Time

Third, you pick a time for your appointment. The availability calendar will change, depending on which team member you chose to work with. If you cannot find a suitable time, you may have to go back a step and try to book with someone else. If you would like to schedule more than 30 minutes, you can book two appointments back-to-back.

Step 4: Details

Finally, you fill out your name and email address, and explain as much as you can about what kind of help you need. This will help us prepare to assist you as much as possible. After booking, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your appointment. Your confirmation email will also contain a link to cancel your appointment, should you need to do so. A team member will follow up with you if they need to clarify any details of your appointment. Otherwise, just show up at the DLC at your scheduled time!

Click here to try out our new system and book an appointment!

Fall 2014 Workshops, Course Project & Curricular Technology Support

The DLC offers customized support for students, faculty, staff, and the broader MIIS community in the form of individual consultations and group workshop trainings. We also offer the D Sp@ce for communal use.

We encourage you to contact us and visit the DLC for help with projects you are working on.

Getting Help at the DLC – Drop–ins and Appointments

MIIS faculty, staff, and students can drop into the DLC for help, Mon-Fri. Just look for anyone wearing a name tag or lanyard – we are all happy to help!

Graduate assistants and staff are on hand to field questions and assist with projects that might include a variety of tools with digital or design components:

  • Photo Editing (basic editing in simple editors and/or Photoshop)
  • Video Editing (iMovie or YouTube Editor)
  • Audio Recording and Editing / Digital Storytelling / Voiceover Lectures (Garage Band, Audacity, Camtasia)
  • Data Analysis (primarily using Excel)
  • Website Design / Course Portfolios / Blogging (focused on and other website building platforms)
  • Design Thinking / Idea Development
  • Curricular Technology (Camtasia, Moodle, Adobe Connect, CourseHub, WordPress, and more!)

Request an Appointment for a Consultation

Students or faculty requiring more advanced support are welcome to set up appointments with specific staff or GAs. Link to: Appointment Request Form

Skill-Building Workshops & Resources

We also occasionally host a series of skill-building workshops in the Design-Sp@ce located in the McGowan Building at 420 Calle Principal St.

We would like to remind you about our campus-wide access to online video training and tutorials for software you or your students may be working with. To access these videos go to and login with your MIIS username and password.

Course Project Support

If your class has a digital learning need that we could help with, let us know! Contact us by completing our online Workshop Request Form or send us an email at

We’ve had great success in consulting with classes that are integrating website projects, presentation skills, digital stories, podcasting and tele-collaboration.

Reserving the D Sp@ce

Our Design Sp@ce is a common area that you can customize to your needs, such as classroom-style, lounge area, or small working groups. We encourage students and faculty to reserve the D Sp@ce for classes, events and projects. When not reserved, it’s open to all as a place to come study, have meetings, or just hang out between classes. View our online availability calendar here.