Qualtrics On-line Survey Tool Replacing Key Survey

Earlier this week, Bill Koulopoulos, Director of Academic Technology at the College, announced:

“…as of July 2015, Middlebury has adopted Qualtrics as its enterprise on-line survey platform. Qualtrics is currently considered the industry-leading provider of online survey software. It is already being used by members of Middlebury as well as in other educational institutions for administrative, academic and research purposes. For example, Amherst, Bowdoin, Colby, Hamilton, Pomona, and Wesleyan are among peer institutions that offer site wide access to Qualtrics. It offers powerful features, such as 90 different question types, the ability to add multimedia to surveys and panel management that set it apart from KeySurvey, our current software. Finally, the switch resulted in significant savings for the College.

Our previous survey platform, KeySurvey, will be available until the end of September and users are strongly encouraged to export their surveys and data before September 30th.”

To create a Qualtrics account and learn how to transition from KeySurvey to Qualtrics, go to http://mediawiki.middlebury.edu/wiki/LIS/Qualtrics.

Canvas (LMS) Learning Management System Being Piloted Fall 2015

The Institute’s current Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle, was adopted back in 2008 and the College adopted it in 2011. In coordination with our colleagues in Vermont, a small cohort of Institute faculty and students will be involved in a pilot and assessment of an alternative LMS to determine whether Moodle is still the best LMS to serve the growing needs of Middlebury.

This fall the Middlebury Curricular Technology Team (CTT) whose members includes staff of the Digital Learning Commons are supporting a pilot project to evaluate Canvas in order to collect feedback and contribute to a recommendation about whether we want to continue with Moodle or move to Canvas. Since its launch over 1,200 colleges, universities and school districts have adopted Canvas, including many of peer and neighboring institutions. Some of the appealing features of Canvas worth exploring include the ability to manage notifications through multiple channels (mobile devices, social media, e-mail), a calendar dashboard that works across courses, multiple modes for presenting course content, easy ways to provide feedback to student work and one button audio and video recording.

The Institute is currently represented in the pilot by four faculty, eight courses in both graduate schools, and up to 100 students. If you are interested in learning more about the Canvas LMS or the goals of the Fall 2015 pilot project please contact Bob Cole in the Digital Learning Commons at: bcole at miis.edu.

Additional Questions about the Pilot

What about Moodle?

Middlebury College adopted Moodle as its LMS in 2011 after a year-long evaluation (http://sites.middlebury.edu/segue/2011/06/14/moodle-middlebury/). At that time it was decided that Moodle would be used for a minimum of 5 years. At the end of the 5 years we would ask ourselves: Is Moodle still the right LMS for Middlebury? The 5 years will end in August of 2016. Depending on the outcome of the Fall 2015 evaluation, Canvas could be recommended as a replacement for Moodle as our LMS with a phased roll out in the fall of 2016.

Can Moodle content be imported into a Canvas site?

Yes, course content created in Moodle can be backed up and imported into Canvas. Learn more about what this process looks like.

What services will participating faculty receive during the pilot?

Faculty and students will have access to direct support from Canvas via phone and email. In addition, we will provide you in-person help as needed.

How do I participate in the pilot?

The pilot will be a small number of volunteers; we are limited by the number of students so we may not be able to handle all requests.

What is the commitment for faculty and students participating in the pilot?

Agree to use Canvas for the Fall 2015 semester with at least one of your courses.
Attend a kick-off meeting in mid- to late-August.
Participate in training for Canvas. 
Attend mid-semester check-in and feedback meeting.
Fill out a brief survey at the end of the semester.
Attend a meeting in December to share your experience.

Where can I learn more about Canvas?

Online resource guides to assist in exploring, learning and training others in Canvas
Self-Paced Canvas Instructor Orientation Course
Online Tour of Canvas – (16 videos / 45 mins of video)
Canvas training courses developed by schools that have adopted Canvas

Moodle migration and upgrade to 2.8 – July 8-9

MIIS Moodle (http://ilearn.miis.edu) will be temporarily unavailable while it is put into maintenance mode beginning at approximately 5:00pm on Wednesday, July 8th. The site will remain unavailable through the morning of Thursday, July 9th as we complete the transfer of the database and site data.

During this time the site will undergo final preparations for a complete migration to Remote Learner, the same hosting service provider that our colleagues in Vermont are contracted with. In addition to migrating the site from our current server at CSUMB, the site will also be upgraded from Moodle 2.6 to Moodle 2.8, offering platform improvements and added course functionality.

Once the migration is complete – we are aiming for mid-morning of Thursday, July 9, the site will be available at http://ilearn.miis.edu. Current users (students, staff, faculty) and active courses should not experience further interruption or noticeable changes. If you experience difficulty logging in, please contact the MIIS Help Desk at: helpdesk@miis.edu

We hope that the timing of the migration and upgrade will help to minimize significant disruptions to instructors and active working groups. Please be sure to notify students and to make alternative plans to access resources while the site is unavailable. If you have additional concerns or questions please email ​me directly at bcole at miis.edu.

Here’s some of what to look forward to in Moodle 2.8

You helped us help you

This past Tuesday from 12-2 the DLC had a table set up on Samson Patio, accompanied by a mobile white board. We were staging an event to assess the needs of the student body in the final weeks of the Spring Semester. We wrote on the board:

Come have your needs assessed!

How can the DLC help you succeed in the last 4 weeks of the semester?

I need to be able to:

Use   |    Make   |   Manage

And at least 25 of you all gave us your detailed opinions about how we could help you to succeed in the last 4 weeks of class. This is what we learned:

  1. Some students demanded that we offer training on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Staff Management software, like Salesforce, Asana, and Basecamp.
  2. Some students are tired of playing the role of technical support to teachers who struggle to use the iLearn platform, and GA positions are springing up to address those needs, but the DLC is assumed to be at fault for that.
  3. Excel training in workshop format will remain in high demand every semester.
  4. Making websites (in e-portfolio/blog format especially), infographics, and digital storytelling methods are coming in increasingly high demand.
  5. Some students love being supported by the DLC in full-class format because they want to be able to learn beside their classmates in DLC workshops.
  6. TLM students continue to request that we teach them how to build apps.
  7. Many of you don’t feel comfortable navigating Apple computers
  8. Some students are under the impression that we in the DLC assume going to Lynda solves problems, but many of you find it intimidating to teach yourselves in that way.

So what are we going to do about it? Some of you will receive a direct email in response to our assessment. Some of you will be best addressed in group format, so keep a look out for a group email. And other needs may take a few more days of prep to be addressed appropriately. We may organize a workshop or two, but we need to have another team meeting on Wednesday first.

More updates coming soon

Customizing Moodle

If you are a returning student, you have probably been surprised by Moodle’s new look, hopefully in a good way! The new Moodle has new features that will allow you to customize your page, and it also looks less cluttered and more sleek!

Under Courses tab, if you click on My Courses, you can customize the page by moving, adding and configuring blocks. First, you have to enable the Customize this page option on the top right-hand corner. Once it’s enabled,  you can drag and drop the blocks on the page. You can also add additional blocks such as Calendar, Latest news and Upcoming events. For the Course Overview block, you can choose to display only the courses you are taking this semester.

For more details, watch the video below.


Do you know about Course Hub?

How is everyone’s first week of school going?

If you are frustrated by wading through the long list of past and current courses on Moodle to find the right one, or if you are baffled about where to find the E-Reserves or the password to access it, or if you just wish for a little more organization in managing all your digital course materials, we might have a solution for you!

HubLogoCourse Hub is the best place to quickly access course listings and links to instructional resources being used in your current semester. So talk to your professor about linking course resources to Course Hub.

Let’s take a quick tour of the Course Hub. First go to http://courses.miis.edu/ and log in using your MIIS credentials. Once you are logged in, on the left-hand column, you will see My Semester Dashboard, which lists both your current and past semesters.

On the right, you will see all your courses in the selected semester, with links to various resources. For example, if you click on the moodle link, it will take you right to the Moodle course page. No need to search in a long list!

In addition to moodle, you can find other resources linked to the site such as a wordpress blog, E-Reserves link and other relevant resources.

And whenever you are ready for a study break, check out MIIS Informed to find out what’s happening on campus!

Watch the video below to see a quick demo of how Course Hub works.



MIIS Moodle Updated to version 2.6.6

On December 22, 2014 the Institute’s course management system “iLearn” at http://ilearn.miis.edu underwent a much needed version update from 2.4.1 to 2.6.6. This update does not impact existing courses from previous terms or course sites that have been created for the 2015 January- or Spring terms.

With this update you will notice some changes to the look and interface of the MIIS iLearn site, but for the most part this update provides a number of usability and instructional feature improvements that we hope you will appreciate as you look ahead to building course Moodle resources.

Usability Improvements

With this update MIIS iLearn will include some noticeable usability improvements. They include:

  • A more user-friendly web / WYSIWYG editor.Watch a short video describing this changeMoodle 2.6 editor
  • Improved course activity and resource editing (move, drag&drop, drop-down menu): Watchshort video describing this change moodle 2.6 resource editor
  • Drag and drop media and text directly onto the course page
  • Word count visible in discussion forum posts
  • Responsive theme and interface for variety of devices (desktop, tablet, smartphone)

Functional Improvements for Instructors

Other Features of Interest that Instructors may not be aware of

  • Online audio recording in Moodle with Poodll Anywhere plug-in: Watch a short video describing how this feature works
  • Rubrics for criterion based assessments in the Gradebook
  • Conditional Activities and Completion Tracking for hybrid and flipped models of instruction
  • Messaging Students by e-mail from Moodle

If you have any questions or concerns about the update, please e-mail Bob Cole at bcole @ miis.edu.

Poodll Anywhere Tutorial Uploaded on YouTube

For those of you that would to enhance your Moodle knowledge,  there’s a new tutorial video on YouTube explaining how to use the new Moodle plug-in called Poodll. Poodll is an easy-to-use voice recorder which then converts the recording into a MP3 file, displayed as a mini audio player. It is great for speaking activities at home and sharing the recordings with the class. For more information, please check out the video!

To download the latest version of Flash, click here.

Screening: Transforming the Academy in the Digital Era

This year, the theme of Middlebury’s Clifford Symposium is “Transforming the Academy in the Digital Era”. We are living in an era featuring massive transformations in information and communication technology that alter generations of traditional practices in a wide range of fields, careers, and elements of everyday life. This symposium will focus on how such technological transformations, and their corresponding cultural, political, economic, and social shifts, are changing the world of higher education and scholarly research.

Join us in the DLC D Space for a live-stream screening of John Palfrey’s keynote speech!

You can also watch the below speakers live at the following times here:

    • Tara McPherson, September 19, 10:00 AM
    • Siva Vaidhyanathan, September 19, 1:30 PM

Intro to Screen Recording Workshop!

Professors, want to turn your lecture slides into narrated videos?  Want to create tutorial videos for your students?

Students, need to record a presentation or Skype call for class?  Want to easily demo your work on your e-portfolio?

Why? With Camtasia, you can easily record, narrate, and edit your onscreen activity to create professional-quality videos.  Come learn the basics of narrated screen capture as well as how to share your videos.

When? April 17, 12:30-1:30

Where? DLC D Space

How? The DLC has 6 computers with Camtasia software for you to use.  Computers will be given out on a first-come first-serve basis.

Questions? Email us at dlc@miis.edu