Another Bountiful Harvest of Fellowships for Monterey Institute Students

Nate Maynard MAIEP ‘14

Nate Maynard (left) is researching the economic value of a marine reserve in Taiwan on his Fulbright scholarship project.

Monterey Institute students are celebrating yet another banner year for earning prestigious fellowships such as the Fulbright, Boren and the Presidential Management Fellowship. The high success rate for these very competitive fellowships can be attributed to a combination of excellent candidates and strong support from MIIS faculty and staff.

“Before attending MIIS, a Fulbright fellowship seemed impossible, now it seems like it was inevitable, I couldn’t imagine attending any other school,” says International Environmental Policy student Nate Maynard, who will be researching the economic value of a marine reserve in Taiwan as part of his Fulbright scholarship.

Here are some highlights from this year’s bumper crop:

Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace:

  • Wesley Laine (MAIPS ’14)

NNSA Graduate Program (NNSA):

  • Jerry Davydov (MANPTS ’13)

Presidential Management Fellowship (USG):

  • Trisha Thibodaux (MANPTS ‘14) 
  • Matthew Jira (MPA ‘14)

Boren Fellowship:

  • Philip (Hiro) Chang (MAIPS ‘13) Korea, Korean
  • Stephanie Gentle (MAIEP ‘16), Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz and Uzbek 
  • Katherine Leggiero (NPTS ‘16) Jordan, Arabic

Fulbright US Student Program (DOS/IIE):

  • Nathaniel Maynard (MAIEP ‘14), Research, Taiwan, “What is the Economic Benefit of the Houbihu Marine Protected Area?” (September 2014 to June 2015)
  • Teryn Wolfe (MAIEP ;14), Research, Colombia, “Assessing the FAIRMINED Certification for Artisanal Mining in Tadó, Colombia.” 
  • Stephanie Loiselle (MATFL ‘14), English Teaching Assistantship (ETA), Colombia 
  • Emily Quade (MATESOL ‘13), ETA, Taiwan

Scoville Fellowship:

  • Shane Mason (MANPTS) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January-May 2014

Catholic Relief Services Fellowship:

  • Bill Reinecke (MBA ’10) Rwanda
  • Anne-Claire Benoit (MPA ’12), Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Kathleen Gordon (MPA ’12) Niger
  • Michelle Bradley (MPA ’05)

California Sea Grant (NOAA)/Knauss Fellowship:

  • Laura Henson (MAIEP ‘13)

MIIS Students Celebrate a Bumper Crop of Fellowship & Scholarships


Students at MIIS earned a bumper crop of scholarships and fellowships this year.

One of the best crops of the spring for Monterey Institute students and their many faculty and staff supporters on campus is the thick envelopes announcing awards for fellowships and scholarships that arrive in the mail this time of year.  The yield for 2013 was remarkable!

Three Monterey Institute students will be continuing research in their chosen fields on the highly competitive and prestigious Fulbright scholarships:

  *   Annie Rouse (MAIEP ’13) will work on hemp-related issues in Canada.

  *   Sam Fielding (MAIEP ’13) will study Chinese and environmental issues in China.

  *   Tina Rose Novaro (MPA ’11) will be conducting research in the Philippines based on work she started with Team Peru.

MIIS graduate Amanda Sackett (MAIEP ’12) was among thirteen 2013 California Sea Grant Fellows in marine policy and resource management, a very prestigious honor. Amanda will work at the Ocean Protection Council. Each State Fellow receives a stipend of $3,300 per month for up to a year.

Ronald Craft (MANPTS ’13) was awarded a much-sought-after Presidential Management Fellowship, providing two years of employment as part of a highly selective leadership development program for potential government leaders.

Two Monterey Institute students were also awarded Boren Fellowships, providing up to $30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. Sarah E. Norris (MANPTS ’14) will be going to Russia and Morgan Tucker (MPA ’14) to Brazil.  Two other MIIS students were chosen as alternates: Carmen Paraison (MAIPS ’14) and Kay Park (MANPTS ’13).

Another four MIIS students will receive Critical Language Scholarships from the U.S. State Department, providing fully funded summer language institutes for U.S. university students.  Gabriella Abrego (MAIPS ’14) and Heather Frank  (MAIEM ’14) will study Chinese in China, Shane Mason (MANPTS ’14) will study Urdu in India, and Jennifer Tribble (MANPTS ’14) will be going to Oman to study Arabic.