Welcoming Digital Media Specialist, Mark Basse

Basse300x300x300Please join us in welcoming Mark Basse to the Digital Learning Commons team. Mark is our new Digital Media Specialist.

Mark’s expertise is in digital video production and photography. His background includes 20+ years of multimedia content creation in higher education for UC Santa Cruz and Florida State College, freelance camera work for HGTV, Food Network, E! Entertainment TV and PGA Tour, and photography work for KB Home and Beazer Homes.

His most recent role at UC Extension in Santa Clara involved media development and production for online programs such as the UCScout Program.

Mark lives in Carmel Valley and writes a blog about exploring the Central Coast from his ranch.

As Digital Media Specialist, Mark will help develop and produce multimedia content and digital video that supports the Institute’s curriculum—including new and continued efforts to develop hybrid and digital learning initiatives such as the Community Interpreting Online program and the Department of State in India Teacher Development courses being piloted this term. He will also actively participate in the peer-to-peer teaching and learning culture of the Digital Learning Commons by contributing his expertise and support to students, staff, and faculty working on curricular and co-curricular digital media projects.

Mark is located in the upper open workspace of the DLC in McGowan 001. He can be reached directly at extension x4678 and by email at mbasse@miis.edu. Please join the DLC Staff in welcoming Mark to the MIIS staff community!

Dear Prospective DLC GA

I’m going to keep this brief.

Writing to you now on the last day of work in the DLC, I can honestly say that I loved working here. The draw was immediate, the fit just clicked, and the whole experience was a long and vibrant joy ride of working hard and loving the outcomes. To catalog it all is difficult so I made a short video to share some the highlights. You can check it out below.

If you don’t feel like watching the video, just know that I got involved in the DLC by crashing team meetings. I wouldn’t suggest you do the same, but every DLC GA has their story. From crashing meetings to the first open mic night some friends and I put on in the D-Space, the match was made. On the first day of the Spring of 2015, I walked into the office and told the permanent staff members I was interested in working for them. I was told, “Your persistence will be rewarded.” Within a week I was being interviewed for the position, during which time I was asked, “What is it that you want to do here?” To which I replied, “I want to run MIIS Radio.”

Within a few weeks I was interviewing professors and students, recording audio in weird places and reproducing it online in the Radio Forum. I soon nabbed the position of host of TEDxMonterey 2014, for which I will always be thankful of the DLC and the folks who put me in contact (that means you too Katie Brown!) After TEDx things slowed down and I continued working as a GA into the summer. But we didn’t pick computers and passwords at first. We picked up hammers and paint and heavy objects that we either moved around the space, up and down the stairs, or out of the space entirely. It was prototype time while the students were away – we installed colorful dry erase boards downstairs, sound proofing in the booths, and even built the campfire table in the center of the upstairs space. The Spring 2014 semester and the summer working in the DLC marked two periods which I care to call the experimenting and bonding phases. This is where I really got to know my supervisors and myself. (You’re going to want to click that link!)

In the Fall of 2014 I became a more reliable senior of the space. People had come and gone and the space was transitioning into a service sector. We got the new appointment system and people were coming to us with specific requests – not just on a whim because the DLC was the place to be. For a little while it became very un-fun, but at the same time, the campus came to depend on us for a very niche service for the first time since the office had moved across campus. I was grateful to be there nonetheless. And just because something is un-fun doesn’t mean it isn’t important, for which I am also grateful.

I really started to appreciate being a GA at the DLC in my final semester – of course, as there had been nearly a million other things to do and prepare for. This last semester was marked by the sentiment of trying to exit gracefully. I became well studied and well versed in the motions of customer support and in particular for audio and video editing, which became my specialty alongside web design. I executed some elaborate needs assessments, some funky workshops, countless appointments, and even a great addition to the first ever MIIS Happening, which all in all made me feel really good about my time here. The new GAs had no reason to look up to me, but it felt good to share with them where the DLC had been before and how special their positions were, always offering a helping hand whenever possible.

Now, in the last few days of my on-campus MIIS career, I only have left to say that I loved it it here and if I could do it all over again I would. Not really, but you’ll get what I mean as your time goes on here.

Peace to the place and the people and the grace

that never ceases to amaze or continually elevate.