Fall Club Fair Coming Soon!

CLUB FAIR 2013 copyThe fall 2013 Club Fair is coming soon! If you’re thinking about starting a new student club, or have a continuing club from last year, sign-up for the fair at go.miis.edu/clubfair. The Fair is September 5th from 1-2 on the Samson Patio. The deadline to sign up is 5:00pm on September 4th.

Make sure to read the club application instructions as well, the fair is the first step to starting your new club on campus. If you have questions please email us at student.services@miis.edu.

New Student Hike

NEW STUDENT HIKEInterested in a hike around Monterey? Join Dayton Hughes, current students and staff for a fun urban hike around Monterey on Sunday, August 25th. Meet at the Holland Center patio on Sunday at 11:45. The hike will leave from the Holland Center at 12:00, walk through Monterey up to the Skyline Forest neighborhood, and back down through the quarry with some fun stops along the way.

Please bring comfortable  shoes, a snack and plenty of water. We will see you there!

Mortar Board Decorating and Pizza

Mortar Board DecoratinAre you graduating next week? Want to have some fun and bedazzle your mortar board? Like pizza? Come to the DLC on May 15th between 5:30-7:00 for some decorating fun and pizza before commencement on Saturday. We will have supplies, food, and drinks. All you need to do is pick up your regalia from the Alumni Relations Office and show up. RSVP so we know how much food to buy: go.miis.edu/mortarboard.

A Day in the Life. . .

DSC_0027. . . of Jiahui Lu.

I am a Conference Interpretation 2nd year student, here is how my day goes:

It’s Thursday. I came to Samson early and say “hi” to students. Sometimes only a few students are around this early, all T&I or CI, to start a brand new day with their backbreaking and brain-frying assignments. I put on my oversize earphones and start interpreting a conference from Brookings Institute on the Nobel Peace Prize for EU. After lots of mental toils on the fascinating speeches given by experts, I was reminded that it was time to take the Simultaneous Interpretation into English. The topic today was on industrial policy and its relations with endowment of factors of production. Sweet… wait…it turned out to be way more technical than I thought…Oh did I forget to mention lunch? It’s fine because it hardly took any time. So I am now sitting here writing about my day. Oh, an email just came…Oh! there is a meeting at Irvine on “The US, Iran and the Threat to Peace” from 7:30. Gotta get prepared!

Student Council Nominations are OPEN!

JustRunforStuCoIt’s time for YOU to select the nominees for Student Council 2013-2014. This year things are happening a little bit differently. Changes were made to the Student Body Constitution creating two new Executive Positions:Community Relations Coordinator and Communications Director. We think it will be really exciting and help us help you!

Unlike in past years, 2nd Year Program Representatives will not be elected until the Fall, just in case if you decide to change programs over the summer, or something like that.

Nominations will be open until 5pm on Monday, April 15th. Nominees will have 24 hours to decide if they wish to run.
Voting will be open from 9am Wednesday April 17th until 5pm Friday April 19th.

The winners will be announced at the International Bazaar on Saturday April 20th at 2pm, and subsequently via e-mail. If you have any questions, you can contact your Student Council President, Britney Wehrfritz, at bwehrfritz@miis.edu.

NOMINATE NOW! At go.miis.edu/nominate
In the spirit of transparency, you can follow the results of nominations here!



StuCo Food Bank April 4-12

FOOD drive

Going on now, bring any and all non-perishable items to school to support the Monterey County Food Bank.
Monday through Friday drop off food in Food Drive Barrels located in McCone, Samson and McGowan.

Why does Monterey need food?

Every week the Food Bank serves approximately 10,800 people. The last hunger study, conducted in 2005, reported 55,300 different people served annually and 4,900 weekly.

For more info on the Food Bank: http://www.foodbankformontereycounty.org/

Questions? Contact Gabby Abrego: gabrego@miis.edu

Keep Calm and Connect Body and Mind

Keep Calm and ConnectIf you’re feeling stressed this semester and need something to help you improve your mind-body connection sign up for the next wellness workshop on Thursday, March 14th. Led by Helen Grady a certified family and personal therapist, the workshop will help you understand the power of the mind-body connection, define how your own personal levels of emotional health, and learn strategies for maintaining and managing that connection.

Visit go.miis.edu/wellness to sign up or click here. We look forward to seeing you there!

StuCo Social Hour Friday, March 1

Stu Co Social HourJoin the MIIS StuCo on Friday March 1st for the social hour, sponsored by B.U.I.L.D. Meet us at the Samson Center at 5:00pm along with your MIIS ID, government ID (driver’s license, state ID card, or passport will work) a cup and a smile! Immediately following is the Fourth Meal Fundraiser sponsored by the HuSand group from 7-9:45. Get your tickets now for this great event that will benefit Norwegian Peoples Aid, on sale at the Holland Center from 12-2 the rest of the week.