Looking for the Feminine Vision at Tribeca Film Festival

Twenty-five years ago Jane Campion, the Academy Award winning screenwriter and first woman director to win the Palme d’Or at Cannes, told the Philadelphia Enquirer she was “lucky to be making movies in Australia … To deny women directors, as I suspect is happening in the States, is to deny the feminine vision.”

Photograph courtesy of the Tribeca Film Festival.

Photograph courtesy of the Tribeca Film Festival.

As I travel to New York to attend the Tribeca Film Festival, I wonder what is the feminine vision? One hundred and nineteen feature-length films will be shown at this year’s festival – an impossible number of films to view in the days my colleague Barbara Castro and I will be there. Thirty-three percent of this year’s feature length films are directed by women, the highest percentage in Tribeca’s history. If we view only films written or directed by women, will we observe a feminine vision?

In both news media and film female representation lags far behind male. According to the Women’s Media Center “women comprised just 9 percent of the directors of the top 250 domestic grossing films of 2013” and on Sunday morning public affairs news programming, “women comprised only 14 percent of those interviewed and 29 percent of roundtable guests.” Yet much of the conversation surrounding women in Hollywood only addresses the correlation between low numbers of female filmmakers and the lack of female characters with speaking roles portrayed positively on screen. The Women’s Media Center also notes a correlation between the number of women in clout positions in the media and the presence of women as guests. Noteworthy in their 2014 Status of Women in the US Media Report is female co-anchors Gwen Ifill’s and Judy Woodruff’s unprecedented 93 percent female presence on PBS’ NewsHour in the last quarter of 2013.

Surveys of both reports out of Hollywood and in the news media provide minimal reference to the social change possible when parity is accomplished. Is there an intrinsic value in women telling stories – all stories – from their voices, from their experiences, from their perspectives? When we see the world through the eyes of women do possibilities open up that we did not see before? From the research, more women directors and writers equate more women on screen in all our diversity – from race to our capacity as leaders – impacting viewers perception of women and our capabilities. So what will the impact of women directors and writers hired and produced on par with men ultimately be?

To be sure, there are some who will conclude that I am assuming categorical polarizations that “women do this” and “men do that.” This is not my intention at Tribeca or my intention as Director of The WIP. But, if such a disproportionate number of films that we watch are directed by men, then surely this has impacted the art form as a whole. Surely the addition of women must lead to something different from what we always see.

The Tribeca Film Festival began in 2002, post 9/11. The goal was to bring a festival to a region of the city in need of something positive, artistic, and revitalizing. Nelson Mandela attended that first festival and spoke about the “unifying and humanizing power of film.” According to festival organizers, Mandela “often spoke about the equalizing power of movies to bring people together and to create empathy and understanding.”

Clearly successful films are in some way transformative. Stories, documentaries, and narratives impart an awareness of the world around us. We are forced to meditate for 80 minutes on injustice, atrocity, humanity, love and social change. In a 1993 interview with Marli Feldvoss, Jane Campion also remarked “There is a different kind of vulnerability when a woman is directing.” Will I notice this difference? Will I notice if the lens from which I am looking at the world is a feminine vision? I will let you know what we find!

For daily updates from the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival follow The WIP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. – Ed.

katharine daniels

Kate Daniels Kurz is the founder and Director of The WIP.

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi: A Remarkable Afghan Change Agent

On October 29, the MIIS Community met Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, a self-described ‘social entrepreneur’ from Afghanistan. Immersed in The WIP nearly every day, it is rare to meet a woman who can and does change the course of what I feel a certain future will look like. Yesterday reminded me that each of us has the opportunity to create social change and make the future a better place – one day, one article, or one student at a time. Dr. Sakena Yacoobi lights the way.

Dr. Sakena Yakoobi speaks with Najia Lodin, MIIS student from Afghanistan.  October 29, 2014. Photograph courtesy of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Dr. Sakena Yakoobi speaks with Najia Lodin, MIIS student from Afghanistan. October 29, 2014. Photograph courtesy of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Dr. Yacoobi’s talk and visit was hosted by the Institute’s new Center for Social Impact Learning (CSIL). The bulk of Dr. Yacoobi’s talk was about the obstacles and achievements her organization, the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL), has faced in its 20-year history of opening educational learning centers in Afghanistan.  Yet, throughout her speech, were shots of inspiration, stories that terrify, and the beauty of a woman with a vision and the courage to see it through.

It is cliché to say I was humbled by her talk, but I must. I was truly humbled by her talk. When this woman of short stature yet overwhelmingly powerful voice and force stands up and invites you to not give up on Afghanistan, you don’t. When this woman, running on faith, puts her life on the line over and over to transform Afghanistan through education speaks, you listen. When you feel you are in the presence of a saint, and she invites you to bring your skills and talents and share them with the people of Afghanistan, all you ask is “how?”

One way is to donate to AIL  and support Dr. Sakena Yacoobi and the teachers and students who are the future of Afghanistan and our world.  The Skoll Foundation is currently offering matching funds to the Afghan Institute of Learning.  AIL’s goal for this challenge is to raise $120,000, enough to educate 1,846 students. A  donation of $65 covers the cost to educate one student for one year. The Center for Social Impact Learning has set up a Crowdrise Team. I’ve made my donation. Please join me and together we will help the Afghan Institute of Learning continue to create the tomorrow we all know is possible.


Kate Daniels is the founder and executive editor of The WIP.