Food Drive Update – Day #3

Pocket-Canned-Food-Drive-photoIt’s DAY # 3 of the 10th Annual Campus HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE! 

Thanks to your generosity, we collected 242.0 lbs/109.8kgs on the third day of the Food Drive.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of 55 people that attended Wednesday’s Pancake Breakfast, we raised $135 AND 183 lbs/83 kg  of food donations.

For every $1 raised, the Food Bank can purchase $8 of food from their suppliers, so MIIS students,staff and faculty provided the Food Bank with the buying capacity of $1080!  Way to go!

Total to date:  522 lbs/236.8 kg!

Did You Know?

For the cost of one parking ticket on Van Buren or Pierce, you could buy over 30 cans of tuna at Safeway?  Or more than 20 boxes/bags of pasta?

Great Buys:

Found 2 for $1 cans of vegetables at Longs, and 5lb bags of flour and sugar (2/$4) at Safeway.

Please support the 10-day (that’s 10 BUSINESS DAYS!),  100-lb/45.5kg a day goal from December 2-13.

Cash or cheque donations can also be made (cheques payable to the Food Bank for Monterey County)  by contacting  Leah Gowron at ext. 3558  or Leslie Hayner at ext.8207 for details.  

Thank you for your generous spirit!

Get Rid of Your Stuff: MIIS Flea Market

Yard SaleGraduating? Spring Cleaning? Looking to pick up some shiny new items? Come to the MIIS Flea Market Sunday May 19th from 11-3pm in the Holland Center Courtyard.

Bring your items to sell or come with your cash to purchase. Any and all MIIS community members are welcome to participate.

How it works:

If you want to sell, sign up here.

  • Do not bring large items!
  • Take pictures of your furniture and coordinate pick ups on your own.
  • You must take home anything you do not sell.
  • Sell at your own risk! Keep an eye on your valuables.


StuCo Logo Design Contest

37483057Student Council needs your help! We’re looking for a new logo and are calling upon the MIIS community for submissions!

Logo designs can be ANYTHING, but please utilize the Student Council motto and/or mission in your logo.

For help, you can also look to the MIIS Branding Guide or MIIS Color Codes.

Submit your design here!


  • Deadline is Monday, May 13th
  • One submission per person
  • Logo formats can be: gif, jpg, png, bmp, tif, psd

The winner will receive a $100 Visa Gift Card!!!

Student Council Motto:

“Define your solution”

Student Council Mission:

“Fostering a multicultural environment conducive to meeting the needs of the MIIS community.”

The winning design will be selected by the current Student Council and announced Wednesday, May 15th.

A Day in the Life…

MIMG_0815y name is Jose… Jose Miguel Lopez-Cantal Sanchez… and I am originally from the South-East of Spain, where I spent most of my live. I also studied in the Netherlands and lived in the UK, and worked for a multinational corporation for about 6 years, doing work-travel to almost every area in the world. However, the most exciting part of my life is happening now in Monterey. As a MBA student specializing in International Development, my days start early in the morning and I often don’t know when and how they will end up. Yeah, you know that there will be back-to-back classes and team projects, but that’s not all at all. The feeling of getting ready and growing professionally towards a big and exciting experience is always present, endless and incomparable. I think our campus is pretty and small, but the proportion of students with very nice dreams would be difficult to find elsewhere; making me feel proud for having embarked on this adventure. I also love going for a jog when I find the time, sometimes up to the hill, sometimes along Del Monte beach, and that’s probably the way I learned how to appreciate the diversity of Monterey. At last, I also have a pretty cool job at the CACS office as a GA, where I enjoy talking and sharing with both the students and the rest of the GAs. See you on campus!

CSUMB Annual Business Ethics Forum: Is Corporate Social Responsibility Good Business?

Is corporate social responsibility good business?
Annual business ethics forum set for March 27

It’s not easy being big.

The ethical challenges facing Apple, one of the planet’s wealthiest corporations, will be explored at the annual Ethics Forum sponsored by CSU Monterey Bay’s schools of Business, and Information Technology and Communication Design. The event will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on March 27 in the University Center on Sixth Avenue and B Street. Admission is free, but attendees must purchase a $2 parking permit.

How did Apple get so rich? Why do we love Apple and hate Exxon? Is corporate social responsibility good business? In a contest between stakeholders and shareholders, who wins?

The forum’s keynote speaker is Rich Jaroslovsky, an editor-at-large and columnist focusing on consumer technology and digital media for Bloomberg News. He joined Bloomberg after a long career at The Wall Street Journal, where he was White House correspondent, national political editor and the founding managing editor of The Wall Street Journal Online. He makes frequent appearances on National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” program.

Jaroslovsky will talk about how and why Apple has grown so dramatically in a short period of time, and discuss the reverberations that kind of growth has on ethical issues and corporate social responsibility.

Panelists include Dr. Angie Tran, professor of political economy at CSUMB and Fane Opperman, managing director, investments, of the Opperman Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors of San Jose.
Jaroslovsky will also join the panel.

Jeff Froshman, a lecturer in the university’s School of Business and a local CPA and certified financial planner, will moderate the panel.