Upstairs Remodel Scheduled for December & January

DLC staff are excited about scheduled plans to remodel the upstairs balcony in our open work environment. As you see in the 3D rendering above, the upstairs balcony will be removed and a set of two nearly floor to ceiling 8′ wide storefront style windows will be installed. The upper window portion will be able to open and close allowing us to maintain a degree of flexibility and open-ness between the upstairs and downstairs Design Space. The upstairs will be enclosed with additional floor to ceiling glass and a door located at the top of the internal staircase, just to the right of our red media booth.

Remodel Construction Schedule (as of Nov 17, 2015)
DLC staff are coordinating with Director of Facilities, Andrew Hernandez, and our contractor on a construction schedule that we hope will minimize disruption for our staff and for those who have plans to use the DLC in January.

  • DLC balcony remodel work will begin Monday, December 14.​
  • Contractors will work over winter break to install new bank of floor to ceiling windows
  • An on-schedule project is expected, though not guaranteed, to be completed by second week of January, 2016 – in time for Spring 2016 classes and community events

During construction, DLC staff will likely relocate to another location in the McGowan Building. Details about how staff can be reached will be updated once they are finalized.

Additional 3D renderings:

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 11.27.54 AM Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 11.28.04 AM

Story+Maps Brown Bag Lunch Nov 10

What: Story+Maps Brown Bag Lunch
When: Tuesday, November 10 | 12:15pm-1:30pm
Where: DLC Design Sp@ce

Join Institute alumni Andy Stieglitz and Aaron Ebner, founders of the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD) in Peru, for a brown bag lunch focusing on using new media approaches to communicating the reach of organizations. The informal event is a space to share ideas and examples of how different mapping tools can be partnered with stories to convey impact. AASD will share the ArcGIS Story Map of their work, the Center for Social Impact Learning (CSIL) will walk us through their Ambassador Corps map created with help from the META Lab, and Intercultural Digital Storytelling Project (IDSP) Senior Fellows along with other immersive learning teams working on J-term project plans will brainstorm how maps might be used to help visualize their work in the field. We hope you’ll join us!

This event is a collaboration between the DLC, CSIL, and the META lab!

MORE MAPPING GOODNESS: Friday November 13 | 12-1pm
Follow-up with the META Lab team to learn more about working with open source mapping tools on Friday, November 13 from 12-1pm in the Pac Lab. Workshop Details here.

Support Your Sustainable Campus! Help Us Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2016

Welcome to the 2015-2016 academic year at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies!

imgresThe Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey signed the President’s Climate Commitment to be a carbon neutral campus by 2016. Leading the charge to reach the our the 2016 carbon neutrality goal is the Institute’s Sustainability Council whose mission is to promote and support sustainability practices on campus.

You can help us achieve the MIIS 2016 carbon neutrality goal by performing one of the following sustainable activities:

1.     Turn off the Lights & Projectors (watch student video) when you leave the classroom! Volunteer to be your class student energy monitor!Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 2.39.38 PM

2.     Compost at MIIS – No Stress! (watch student video) Bring your approved food waste to our orange compost buckets in Our Green Thumb Community Garden.

3.     Reduce your waste footprint – BYO LUNCH from home to Holland Center Kitchen Area and use the reusable containers.

4.     Recycle – Paper, plastic, and aluminum can be recycled in blue containers around campus. Batteries and light bulbs can be recycled on campus – here’s a map of battery recycling locations.

5.     Reduce your water use on campus – We are in a drought! Please minimize your water use when you wash your hands, wash dishes, water the garden, etc. FREE home water efficiency devices (shower timers, shower heads, leak detector, garden hose spray nozzle, etc.) are available at the reception desk in the Segal Building, 425 Van Buren.

6.     Bike and/or walk to campus  – we live in beautiful sunny Monterey! Enjoy the outdoors! Check out local trails and public transportation routes here.

7.     Save Paper! Make sure you print double-sided @ MIIS! Ask the library staff for assistance.

Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 2.46.33 PMFor more information on how you can support MIIS 2016 Carbon Neutrality goal or to share an idea with the Council please contact 

or get involved in one of our fun sustainable campus groups –


Warm Regards,
The Sustainability Council at MIIS

Qualtrics On-line Survey Tool Replacing Key Survey

Earlier this week, Bill Koulopoulos, Director of Academic Technology at the College, announced:

“…as of July 2015, Middlebury has adopted Qualtrics as its enterprise on-line survey platform. Qualtrics is currently considered the industry-leading provider of online survey software. It is already being used by members of Middlebury as well as in other educational institutions for administrative, academic and research purposes. For example, Amherst, Bowdoin, Colby, Hamilton, Pomona, and Wesleyan are among peer institutions that offer site wide access to Qualtrics. It offers powerful features, such as 90 different question types, the ability to add multimedia to surveys and panel management that set it apart from KeySurvey, our current software. Finally, the switch resulted in significant savings for the College.

Our previous survey platform, KeySurvey, will be available until the end of September and users are strongly encouraged to export their surveys and data before September 30th.”

To create a Qualtrics account and learn how to transition from KeySurvey to Qualtrics, go to

Canvas (LMS) Learning Management System Being Piloted Fall 2015

The Institute’s current Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle, was adopted back in 2008 and the College adopted it in 2011. In coordination with our colleagues in Vermont, a small cohort of Institute faculty and students will be involved in a pilot and assessment of an alternative LMS to determine whether Moodle is still the best LMS to serve the growing needs of Middlebury.

This fall the Middlebury Curricular Technology Team (CTT) whose members includes staff of the Digital Learning Commons are supporting a pilot project to evaluate Canvas in order to collect feedback and contribute to a recommendation about whether we want to continue with Moodle or move to Canvas. Since its launch over 1,200 colleges, universities and school districts have adopted Canvas, including many of peer and neighboring institutions. Some of the appealing features of Canvas worth exploring include the ability to manage notifications through multiple channels (mobile devices, social media, e-mail), a calendar dashboard that works across courses, multiple modes for presenting course content, easy ways to provide feedback to student work and one button audio and video recording.

The Institute is currently represented in the pilot by four faculty, eight courses in both graduate schools, and up to 100 students. If you are interested in learning more about the Canvas LMS or the goals of the Fall 2015 pilot project please contact Bob Cole in the Digital Learning Commons at: bcole at

Additional Questions about the Pilot

What about Moodle?

Middlebury College adopted Moodle as its LMS in 2011 after a year-long evaluation ( At that time it was decided that Moodle would be used for a minimum of 5 years. At the end of the 5 years we would ask ourselves: Is Moodle still the right LMS for Middlebury? The 5 years will end in August of 2016. Depending on the outcome of the Fall 2015 evaluation, Canvas could be recommended as a replacement for Moodle as our LMS with a phased roll out in the fall of 2016.

Can Moodle content be imported into a Canvas site?

Yes, course content created in Moodle can be backed up and imported into Canvas. Learn more about what this process looks like.

What services will participating faculty receive during the pilot?

Faculty and students will have access to direct support from Canvas via phone and email. In addition, we will provide you in-person help as needed.

How do I participate in the pilot?

The pilot will be a small number of volunteers; we are limited by the number of students so we may not be able to handle all requests.

What is the commitment for faculty and students participating in the pilot?

Agree to use Canvas for the Fall 2015 semester with at least one of your courses.
Attend a kick-off meeting in mid- to late-August.
Participate in training for Canvas. 
Attend mid-semester check-in and feedback meeting.
Fill out a brief survey at the end of the semester.
Attend a meeting in December to share your experience.

Where can I learn more about Canvas?

Online resource guides to assist in exploring, learning and training others in Canvas
Self-Paced Canvas Instructor Orientation Course
Online Tour of Canvas – (16 videos / 45 mins of video)
Canvas training courses developed by schools that have adopted Canvas

Update Your Fall 2015 Course Hub Sites

Course Hub sites for the current version of the Fall 2015 academic course catalog are available online. When you login to the Course Hub at look for “Fall 2015” courses in the “My Semester Dashboard” menu to the left.

Check your Course Roster
Review a dynamic course roster with student names and headshots | Video: How To View Class Roster

Upload your Syllabus
Provide students with your course syllabus before the first day of class | Video: How to Add Course Syllabus to Course Hub

Add a Moodle Site via Course Hub
Add a new Moodle site for the current term, review the steps | Video: How to Add a Moodle Resource in Course Hub.

Link Your Course Hub to Library E-Reserves
Simplify student access to your course Library E-Reserves | Video: How to add a Link to Library E-Reserves

Import Course Content From Previous Terms
Import or “rollover” Moodle course content from a previous term into a Moodle resource for the current term |  VIDEO:

HELP DESK Assistance for Importing Moodle Course Content From Previous Terms – AKA “Rollover”
Returning faculty who teach with MIIS iLearn (Moodle) should be familiar with the Moodle Course “rollover” process of importing archived course content from previous terms into a new Moodle site. To request additional assistance with your course archive import, use the Moodle Archive Import Request Form. Expect a 3-4 day turn around on these requests.

You may also direct questions to or call Help Desk at (831) 647-6656.

Moodle migration and upgrade to 2.8 – July 8-9

MIIS Moodle ( will be temporarily unavailable while it is put into maintenance mode beginning at approximately 5:00pm on Wednesday, July 8th. The site will remain unavailable through the morning of Thursday, July 9th as we complete the transfer of the database and site data.

During this time the site will undergo final preparations for a complete migration to Remote Learner, the same hosting service provider that our colleagues in Vermont are contracted with. In addition to migrating the site from our current server at CSUMB, the site will also be upgraded from Moodle 2.6 to Moodle 2.8, offering platform improvements and added course functionality.

Once the migration is complete – we are aiming for mid-morning of Thursday, July 9, the site will be available at Current users (students, staff, faculty) and active courses should not experience further interruption or noticeable changes. If you experience difficulty logging in, please contact the MIIS Help Desk at:

We hope that the timing of the migration and upgrade will help to minimize significant disruptions to instructors and active working groups. Please be sure to notify students and to make alternative plans to access resources while the site is unavailable. If you have additional concerns or questions please email ​me directly at bcole at

Here’s some of what to look forward to in Moodle 2.8

Emerging Teaching Practices Brown Bag Lunch with Visiting Asst. Professor Orion Lewis

The Digital Learning Commons is pleased to invite MIIS faculty as well as interested staff for a lunchtime brown bag conversation on effective and emerging ‘next generation’ teaching practices: ‘Striving for High Def in Hybrid & Online Courses’. Bring your lunch, DLC will provide snacks and drinks!

Middlebury Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Orion Lewis, shares his insights and experience in planning, designing, collaborating and teaching hybridized and online courses via HD video conference with Middlebury College and MIIS students. Orion will be joined by DLC and Middlebury curricular technologists as well as students involved in the joint Middlebury-MIIS NPTG 8546 Insurgency & Security Policy course.

PLEASE RSVP on the DLC event page by clicking “sign up” on the event Sign-Up Sheet below by Monday, April 20th to attend.

Emerging Teaching Practices Brownbag – Orion Lewis | Tues, Apr 21 12:15-1:30pm | DLC

Date: April 21, 2015

Sign up below…

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April 21 | 12:15-1:30pm | Orion Lewis – Faculty Brownbag #1:
Grace O.
Lisa F.
Thor S.
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Intercultural Digital Storytelling Project Showcase | April 22 | 5-7:00pm

The 2015 cohort of intercultural storytelling fellows representing immersive learning programs in five countries is pleased to invite you to join us for the first digital storytelling showcase. Fellows will present their stories, discuss their process, and welcome you into this interactive storytelling environment. Light refreshments will be served!

Weds., April 22 | Digital Learning Commons | 5-7:00pm 

IDSP15 Showcase: 5 – 7:00pm | Weds, April 22 | DLC Design Space

Date: April 22, 2015

Sign up below…

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What Name
IDSP15 Showcase: Weds 4/22 5-7:00PM #1:
Gisele K.
Peter S.
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