Vote for MIIS in The Economist Case Study Competition!


Help MIIS defend its title!

The Economist Case Study Competition is now live! That means that the People’s Choice voting is now open, so be sure to vote for MIIS, and tell your friends!

Students Hesham AlSaati, Thomas Gilmore and Michael Mahoney are representing MIIS with their Real Vision Investment Case Study. View their presentation! Don’t forget to vote and share!

For more information on the challenge description and prizes, check out this link.

Brown Bag Lunch Discussion – “Military Support to Foreign Disaster Response”

Mark your calendar to have lunch with Lieutenant Colonel Christopher W. Wendland!

Who: All interested MIIS community

What: Discussion and Q&A on: Military Support to Foreign Disaster Response

When: Tuesday, December 1 (12:15-1:15)

Where: Morse B106

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher W. Wendland

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher W. Wendland

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher W. Wendland is the current U.S. Army War College Fellow at MIIS. LTC (P) Wendland worked as a Military Crisis Response Planner at United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) from 2009-2012. He worked alongside representatives from the Department of State, USAID, and the United Nations  to develop complementary disaster response plans for a number of devastating natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear reactor meltdowns, tropical storms, and flooding) and will provide an overview of the U. S. Government process to provide U. S. military support with anecdotal stories from the following response efforts: Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Haiti, Japan, Thailand, and Nepal.

Briefing and Q & A on Military Support in Conflict Resolution

Mark your calendars to have lunch with Major General William C. Hix!

Who: All interested MIIS students and faculty

What: Briefing and Q & A on: “Military Support to Conflict Resolution in the World Today”

When: Wednesday, October 21 (12pm-1pm)

Where: Morse B206

Food and Drink Provided!

Major General William C. Hix

Major General William C. Hix

Major General Hix’s almost 35-years of military experience provide him the necessary background to answer any questions youmay have about the U.S. Army’s support to Conflict Resolution in the World Today.

Prior to his current assignment at the Pentagon, Major General Hix was the Deputy Director for the Army’s Capabilities and Integration Center where he oversaw the linkages between emerging technologies and soldier success on the battlefield.

His experience includes combat tours to both Iraq and Afghanistan, assignments with 82nd  and 101st Divisions, the First Special Forces Group in Japan, as a Military Observer in the Western Sahara, as policy officer in the Republic of Korea, and as a Strategist on the Joint Staff.

Born in Washington, D.C., Major General Hix was commissioned as an infantry officer following graduation from the U.S. Military Academy in 1981. He holds a Masters of Military Art and Science, was a National Security Affairs Fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University and is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.