A Day in the Life…

Liz Martinis… of RPCV Liz Martinis!

Most days start off with my wish for thicker insulation.  I never turn on the heat because it would just be a waste of those precious work-study dollars.  As well, I contemplate how I can procrastinate instead of hitting the gym before heading into work or school, depending on what day it is.  Sometimes, as I lie there, I talk myself into having too much on my to-do list for that day, but sometimes the gym wins.  After this, the typical day is never very typical.

I am either at work or in class by 10 am.  Today, I started my day off in the Holland Courtyard writing press releases and catching up on long overdue projects for my work at a local non-profit.  As I work mostly remotely, I can do this wherever I choose, but working on campus always gives me good motivation.  Plus, trying to find a better location than the Holland Courtyard to work would be a tricky thing.  Next up, class at 10 am.  Introduction to Human Security and Development is full of debates about the Human Development Index and whether or not male circumcision is male genital mutilation.  That class is always full of interesting and random topics.

The hours between 12 and 2 are usually called “dead hours”, when no classes are supposed to be scheduled, but they are hardly dead.  This is when many campus events are held and daytime socializing is at its peak.  Today, I happen to be co-running one of these events, and as for any event there is planning, scheduling, and worrying to do.  Will people show up?  Will the pizza arrive on time? Did the presenters all confirm?  Will we get reimbursed for said pizza?

Next up, Spanish class, where I am giving the first of three 30 minute presentations this semester. Thankfully, we are doing this in pairs, so a little bit of the pressure is off. Then, on to Development Economics.  Although it is by far the largest class I have had thus far at MIIS, our professor makes efficient use of our time and encourages student-led participation, so we are not only responsible to ourselves for the work, but also to our fellow students.

At 6 pm, I am finally done with school.  I will go to the ice box, otherwise known as home and curl up to read, do homework, look over emails, or work on a volunteer project for an international non-profit.  I love to cook, but usually only do it about three times a week so I can bring my lunch to school with me.  Tonight is not one of those nights.  I end the day with a couple of Skype calls to Costa Rica where I was a Peace Corps Volunteer from 2010 to 2013.  If I call one person, I have to call at least three because I will be in big trouble if one of the neighbors finds out I called one and not the other one.  By 10 pm, I am done for the night. As I turn off the light, I am looking at my to-do list for tomorrow and beginning the debate already.