A Day in the Life of Arianna Miller!


6:55am. Today I woke up a bit earlier than usual. The Migration Policy Institute was hosting a webinar on the effects migration has on segregation. MPI is located in DC so the time zone difference was just enough to make me wonder how important the information was to hear. I’m actually interested in integration, thus I figured learning a bit on segregation would better form future recommendations on integration policy. The webinar was an informative hour long. It sparked questions and angles for my International Migration class’ paper. 8:00am. However, I’m a lover of sleep. After the webinar was complete, I took an hour nap. When I awoke, my muscles were quite sore from the previous day’s workout so I slowly dressed myself for today’s workout. As I write this, I can’t help but to giggle. My morning seems so leisurely when in fact everything I do is scheduled from my workouts to my off-campus job to meetings to hanging out. If it wasn’t for my tablet (which houses my schedule) being with me almost 24/7, my life would be confusing and stressful. But I digress, I drove to the gym and did a light workout for an hour and headed home.

11:00am. I love CNN. I watch it every day at various times. I’m not a big TV fan (besides Scandal) but I love some CNN. When I get home from the gym I turn the TV on to CNN as I shower and primp. I look at the time, 11:30am. “I’m going to be late,” I think to myself. I’m attending a Brown Bag Lunch at 12. However, knowing I’m going to be late doesn’t help me decide any quicker whether to wear a black or blue sweater. The TV becomes more distracting as the newscaster brings Congresswoman Lee into the discussion about ISIS. I quickly throw on the black sweater, slip on my shoes, grab my backpack, turn off the TV and head out the door.
11:50am. Yeah, I’m late. I shuffle quickly down the mountain most people consider a hill. I’m grateful that I’m not rushing up the hill because my pace would have been drastically reduced. I then realize that my mother sent a text addressing her concern for me since we hadn’t spoken in a while. I called her on my way down the hill; I figured fifteen minutes is better than nothing.
12:05pm. Ok I’m not that late but where is this building? I thought that I knew the buildings on campus…apparently not. I walk in a circle when I finally spot the building. It’s now 12:15pm. Great. The Brown Bag Lunch is a discussion on foreign direct investment. I have little knowledge on FDI but I have some interest on the topic, especially concerning sub-Saharan Africa. Towards the end of the meeting the professor mentions there will be second component, a simulation on the following Tuesday. “There’s more??” I think to myself as I pull out my tablet. “Ok, Tuesday looks good.” I scribble in the event. As I leave, I start thinking of the reading I need to complete before my 2 o’clock class. Then it hits me, I’m sore and hungry. I go to Samson and purchase blueberries and raspberries in hopes that it will curb my hunger and ease my soreness but instead end up with strawberries and raspberries. Whatever. I reluctantly munch on my snack.
1:10pm. I love the quite room. It is definitely my go-to place to study. The silence and the oh-so-comfy chairs swoon me. It also has an informality to it that eases my studying rather than the serious-appearing library. I read in peace until class time.
2:00pm. International Migration here I come. I’m excited for class today because a student is presenting.
4:00pm. Today, my most challenging class, Program Evaluation, didn’t meet so I had an extra three hours to spare. I decided to spend this time replying to emails and scheduling my evening. Some readings along with preparations for the upcoming week fill my evening.
9:00pm. Popcorn buttered fingers and chilled white wine are my companions as I watch a movie on Netflix. My day has finally come to a close.