Support Your Sustainable Campus! Help Us Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2016

Welcome to the 2015-2016 academic year at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies!

imgresThe Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey signed the President’s Climate Commitment to be a carbon neutral campus by 2016. Leading the charge to reach the our the 2016 carbon neutrality goal is the Institute’s Sustainability Council whose mission is to promote and support sustainability practices on campus.

You can help us achieve the MIIS 2016 carbon neutrality goal by performing one of the following sustainable activities:

1.     Turn off the Lights & Projectors (watch student video) when you leave the classroom! Volunteer to be your class student energy monitor!Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 2.39.38 PM

2.     Compost at MIIS – No Stress! (watch student video) Bring your approved food waste to our orange compost buckets in Our Green Thumb Community Garden.

3.     Reduce your waste footprint – BYO LUNCH from home to Holland Center Kitchen Area and use the reusable containers.

4.     Recycle – Paper, plastic, and aluminum can be recycled in blue containers around campus. Batteries and light bulbs can be recycled on campus – here’s a map of battery recycling locations.

5.     Reduce your water use on campus – We are in a drought! Please minimize your water use when you wash your hands, wash dishes, water the garden, etc. FREE home water efficiency devices (shower timers, shower heads, leak detector, garden hose spray nozzle, etc.) are available at the reception desk in the Segal Building, 425 Van Buren.

6.     Bike and/or walk to campus  – we live in beautiful sunny Monterey! Enjoy the outdoors! Check out local trails and public transportation routes here.

7.     Save Paper! Make sure you print double-sided @ MIIS! Ask the library staff for assistance.

Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 2.46.33 PMFor more information on how you can support MIIS 2016 Carbon Neutrality goal or to share an idea with the Council please contact 

or get involved in one of our fun sustainable campus groups –


Warm Regards,
The Sustainability Council at MIIS