Speaking the Language of Leaders

On April 26, the CACS Director of Outreach & Employer Relations delivered a workshop on campus to students entitled: Language of Leaders. The workshop was designed to provide three leadership tools for students’ leadership toolkit before going into the field this summer for a new role.

The core tool shared was the principles of Situational Leadership, a process coined by leadership author, Ken Blanchard.  Students were shown the graph of the four developmental levels (D1 through D4) and four corresponding leadership styles (S1 through S4). We then looked at diagnosis for matching D levels with S approaches by task.


Participants were encouraged to conduct frequent and brief matching sessions to inspire ownership and advance to the D4 level.

Responses to this workshop were positive. One student from Liberia wrote “My frank opinion is that the workshop was incredibly resourceful.”

If you are interested in learning more about Situational Leadership and the other two tools which were presented, feel free to reach out to Dayton for more information.

The tools could help you prepare for your next role!


~Dayton Hughes, MBA ’88
Director of Outreach & Employer Relations