Keep Calm and Meditate!


Keep Calm and Meditate this Spring 2015! Sessions will take place every Wednesday from 12:30 – 1pm in room MG 210.

These drop-in sessions do not include any meditation instruction or teaching; they simply provide a regular time and peaceful place to meditate, or just sit in silence, under the quiet guidance of a host.

Here’s what to do:

  • Arrive by 12:25 p.m. (Try not to be late, but if you are, just slip in as quickly and quietly as you can.)
  • Silence your phone.
  • Quietly take off your shoes and place them with your personal items out of the way along the wall or where indicated.
  • Choose a spot to sit in the general direction or formation the host has set up.
  • You may use one of the chairs or cushions, or bring your own.
  • Simply take a seat and quietly settle in.
  • At 12:30, the host will ring the opening bell three times. This marks the beginning of the 20-minute meditation.
  • The host will ring the bell once at the midway mark.
  • At 12:50, the host will again ring the bell. This marks the end of meditation.
  • As you are ready, quietly stand up and leave.
  • Enjoy your day!