#WomenCallAction: Missing Her POV

On Tuesday, August 5, The WIP is hosting the live Twitter chat #WomenCallAction: Missing Her POV from 10 am – 11 am PDT.

Inspired by The WIP Feature Article #WomenCallAction: Illuminating the Relevance of Women Directing U.S. Media and the July 24 report released by the Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, Tuesday’s Twitter chat is your opportunity to discuss the underrepresentation of women behind and in front of the camera. As WIP Contributor Rachel Feldman points out, gender disparity in American film has consequences cross-culturally:

Hollywood film and television is our culture’s most powerful influencer and ambassador.  All around the world, even in the most remote corners of our planet, men, women and children see how Hollywood movies and television present the human condition. Our media is a great proselytizer and we have a tremendous responsibility to insure that the images and ideas we disseminate represent the most enlightened aspects of culture and are not created primarily by a single gender perspective. Shutting out women’s voices impacts the entire world.

Film industry professionals, film lovers, students, and folks simply interested in the topic – let’s hear your voice on Tuesday! Join in the conversation by posting tweets with your questions and experiences using the hashtag #WomenCallAction from your twitter account.

Bios of participants:

Rachel Feldman @WomenCallAction – Rachel Feldman is a director and screenwriter, currently in development with THE GOOD YEARS, a feature film based on the life of Lilly Ledbetter, with Oscar winning producer, and Women In Film President, Cathy Schulman and Mandalay Pictures. Rachel has directed many hours of series television and Movies of the Week for ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW, FOX, HBO, LIFETIME, DISNEY CHANNEL, TEEN NICK, LIFETIME and SYFY.  She teaches directing at Loyola Marymount University and has taught directing and screenwriting at University of Southern California.  Rachel received her BA at Sarah Lawrence College and her MFA at New York University School of Film & Television.

Melissa Silverstein @melsil – Melissa Silverstein is a writer, blogger and marketing consultant.  She is an expert in the area of social media regarding women and Hollywood. She is the founder and editor of Women and Hollywood, one of the most respected sites for issues related to women and film as well as other areas of pop culture. She has been featured on CNN, the BBC as well as in Newsweek, Salon, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, NY Times, and many other publications. In 2011, Melissa was named one of the Top 100 Arts tweeters by the Times of London and Women and Hollywood was named one of the top 100 websites for women by ForbesWoman. Recently, her writing was included in The Tattooed Girl: The Enigma of Stieg Larsson and the Secrets Behind the Most Compelling Thriller of Our Time. Melissa Silverstein is a WMC SheSource expert on Media and Entertainment.

Stay tuned! More participants will be added to our lineup!

Banner image credit: Karolyne Carloss

Banner image credit: Karolyne Carloss