John Hedgcock and his longtime co-author Dana Ferris (Professor in the Writing Program at the University of California, Davis) completed the third edition of their book, Teaching L2 Composition: Purpose, Process, and Practice, which was officially released by Taylor and Francis/Routledge in 2014 after a soft launch in late 2013.
The third edition features a radical re-design reflecting rapid changes in the field of writing instruction, including the central role played by digital technology and the shifting needs of student writers.
John credits his MATESOL/MATFL students with inspiration for all three editions of the book, which he field-tested in the Program’s elective Teaching of Writing course at MIIS. He and his co-author developed much of the book’s content from materials developed for the pre- and in-service teachers enrolled in the course, who generously provided thoughtful feedback as the latest version of the book took shape.